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Bootylicious 👠 Emely 🍼 16 Apr, 2020 @ 4:41pm 
🍆🥞🌳 Performance review for First 🌸🐳💄

Responds to setbacks or adversity with redoubled vigour and enthusiasm. Will never accept that defeat is a foregone conclusion, and inspires others to stay positive and fight on. Works willingly in a team and tolerant of others, no matter what their strengths and weaknesses. But tends to rely mostly on the contributions of others, and makes only a limited contribution. Keen to put their own ideas across, but First does not give others the chance to express their view. May be tempted to overlook the input of others. Does not shirk duties, but always instigates and encourages load-sharing with other members of the team, resulting in strong group output. Consistently plans and monitors the work of team-members.

⛳ + 🚕 = 🔋