Young Gru
jakob gru   Arhus, Denmark
Currently Offline
Libidinous Amina 14 Apr, 2020 @ 12:00pm 
🍧 ♣ 🐝 Jim, this is Matty down at Ralph's and Mark's. Some guy named Angel
🥗 ♣ 📕 Martin just ran up a fifty buck bar tab. And now he wants to charge it
🌏 ♣ 🏓 to you. You gonna pay it?
😺 ♣ 🐊 -- "The Rockford Files" 📘🌂🌽
DuckFace 23 Dec, 2019 @ 5:30am 
Happy Holidays! :gift:
DuckFace 17 Nov, 2019 @ 8:12am 
I was satisfying my munchies at the local popeyes and every thing was going fine up until I finished my order. At this point I looked the cashier straight in the eye and in a very serious tone asked him "is this for here or to go?". We stared at each other for a couple of seconds then I just nodded my head and said "here" , then walked away. Didn't realize what I had done until my friend told me.
DuckFace 3 Nov, 2019 @ 11:50pm 
Halloween 2020 is a Saturday.
New Years and Christmas are a Friday.
4/20 is technically the entire month.
2 Friday the 13th, March and November.

2020 about to be litty titty :partypills::partypills:
Ackerman 26 Jun, 2017 @ 9:13am 
+per orospu çocuğu
plafCS 14 Apr, 2017 @ 9:32am 
+rep cheater