過去 2 週的遊戲時數:

已達成 0 / 38(0%)項成就:

Cross Blood Equipped!

Chose two Blood Codes. Study their secrets, and aim for total mastery.

Wanted Variant Subjugation

Subjugated your first Wanted Variant. You can now call yourself a full member of the Xth Squad.

Wanted Variant Annihilation

Annihilated all Wanted Variants. You have proven yourself as a truly elite warrior.

True Wealth

Accumulated 500,000 GP. Now get out there and start spending!

Treat Yourself

Spent 100,000 GP at the Dev Lab. I hope you used it wisely...

Skill Collector

Gathered many XTND Skill Items. Use them well and show us all what you can do!

Unique Collector

Gathered many Unique Items. Who knows what's still out there waiting to be discovered...?

Forewarned Is Forearmed

Left a variety of notes all across the Abyss. One day your messages will show their value...

Risk Junkie

Survived 30 consecutive battles with the Encounter Gauge at max. Drink deeply of the thrill of battle!

The Power of Unity

Used many Unity Skills. Working together with your allies is the key to survival.

Barter Town

Exchanged a Soul Token for another item. It's never a bad idea to do a little trading.

Homemade Code

Synthesized a variety of items. Self-reliance is the key to survival.

Your Real Self

Discovered your true self. Unexpected events have a way of revealing deeper characteristics...

Healing Touch

Enjoyed your time in the Medical Lab. Back to full health and feeling good!

Variant Disposal Specialist

Defeated many Variants. It's your duty to destroy anything that would stand in your way.

Force Multiplier

Created a second unit. You have to make sure you face every battle in the best condition possible.

剩 22 項隱藏成就
