Cameron   British Columbia, Canada
Hello World! I hardly use steam nowadays, but I guess it's good to still maintain it.

{=Steam Gift Thank You List!=}
Patchykins - Portal 2, L4D, Sega Dreamcast Collection, Serious Sam 3, Transistor
Sukusuku - L4D2, Deus Ex, Hexen 2, Super Meat Boy, Gundemonium Collection, KoTOR, Sonic CD, YS Origin, Bunny Must Die (yo), Spelunky
Alex - DMC3&4, Garrys Mod, Netherwinter Nights, Killing Floor
Linn - Eversion, Amnesia, Terraria
Rareshadow - Megadrive & Genesis Collection, VVVVVV, Cthulu Saves the World, Breath of Death VII, Binding of Issac, Bioshock 1 & 2, Plants vs Zombies, Crapload of Indie games.
Flan - Serious Sam HDFE&SE, IndiePack(ForRecettear), Worms Reloaded
Nozomori - Team Fortress 2
Nohosioko - Napoleon Total War
Hella Yurt - HL2, E1
Mr. X - Dungeons of Dredmor, Oddworld Strangers Wrath, Tobe's Vertical Adventure, Aquaria
Lakister - Half Minute Hero
Nu - Chantelise
Tengu - Sonic Adventure 2 + Battle
And anyone else I forgot!
Currently Offline
Rarest Achievement Showcase
aliceif 23 May, 2016 @ 12:38am 
That Kirby looks weeeeeird
aliceif 14 Apr, 2016 @ 1:44pm 
Yay for new computers!:tablet:
aliceif 31 Oct, 2015 @ 8:35am 
Happy halloween to the scary seagull!
aliceif 18 Oct, 2015 @ 10:41am 
*throws bomb*
aliceif 5 Apr, 2015 @ 10:20am 
Explosive Coffee Salesman 1 Apr, 2015 @ 10:34am 
that pinky is kinda cute