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Recent reviews by Dryzzl

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179.0 hrs on record
fun game
Posted 3 December, 2024.
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11,041.6 hrs on record (1,477.0 hrs at review time)
Wants to align with KMS but:

Did not compensate for buff freezers with the change (none for Battle-roids as well)

Did not get royal face and hair choice coupons (still rng | KMS reboot SSB is not rng, but GMS reboot is like reg servers)

Meso shop prices were increased without any proper explanation since few events ago (Do "NOT" do this if you guys are not capable of adjusting each event with current maple point rates, Do not overestimate your capabilities PLEASE)

White cubes were removed from daily gift rewards and coin shops / MVP rewards for daily gifts are nerfed compared to KMS

Looks like 100% icogs were also removed from the test server coin shops
Nerfed Oz ring boxes

Implemented a daily cap on Sol Erda farming

Ever since Night Troupe event, Sacred symbols were NOT affected by Item Drop Rates when they should
Where can we see the rates of potential lines for Cubes and Red cards? How come GMS is never transparent on these things?

Some of past events had nerfed rewards (number/type of flames for Alphabet box event, nerfed event title effect for Wongstaurant)

Please address the reasoning on Frenzy nerf due to instanced maps on regular servers.
Totem already had a deadline (item description says "Cannot be used in Lv. 300+ areas) but with instanced maps that becomes a lie and the item becomes unusable in 260+ areas.
You released the totem on Marvel many years ago and made people spend thousands or more to get it, and now you killed it without a proper explanation or reasoning.
Similar goes for Permanent pendant slot and Battle-roids/buff freezers. These were put into Marvel and Philo with lower rates than others since you advertised these items as "Special Prizes" to bait the players to gamble on it, and none of these losses were compensated after the changes making these items useless.

As per Live stream on 11/10/2023: "It is what it is" - this is the WORST feedback that any company can give out.

Have they fixed it yet? #SPEND?
Posted 23 July, 2023. Last edited 22 November, 2023.
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121.9 hrs on record (18.1 hrs at review time)
"chief.. can i be your friend?"
Posted 17 November, 2021. Last edited 17 November, 2021.
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51.7 hrs on record (32.1 hrs at review time)
i love hot wheels
Posted 28 October, 2021.
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542.0 hrs on record (449.2 hrs at review time)
I have 400+ hours in this game as of writing. I started day one, was one of the first one-hundred people to actually log in and play (in Camelot). That being said, a week or so in I hit level cap, begin farming 'Elite Zones' for a higher gear watermark, am officer of a PvP/PvE company that holds territory, and runs all end-game content (war, invasions, outpost rush, open world pvp, arena.) Sadly it feels like I am at the end of the rainbow. There is no pot of gold. It's just a buggy mess, filled with unfulfilled promises.

Several features are broken. Several systems are broken. Servers are dying.

Bottom line: the game isn't finished and you're already late to the party. Save your money.

Why have you played so much if it's bad?
Being that I got in Day One and began grinding from the get-go, I'm literally ahead of the curve. If this was WoW, my game progression would be comparable to someone with 'Cutting Edge.' Fortunatley I got to be a part of all the server firsts (buying territory, early wars, first invasion, outpost rush, etc).

Unfortunately, a new player will never have these experiences. There are no new servers and existing ones never reset. War outcomes hardly change. The economic snowball rolls downhill. Until the level or Gear Score cap rise, new players simply cannot catch server leaders. Amazon hasn't announced when an expansion will come, but I highly doubt many players will be around to see it. If you start now, you can still grab the fruit, but other players will have wrung out all the juice.

The Exploits
A month in, there have been game-breaking exploits that:
- Made players invulnerable in PvP
- Duped hundreds of thousands of gold upon server transfer
- Force victory in an event (war or invasion) by glitching out adding/removing players from the event
- Caused the premier end-game PvP mode, Outpost Rush, to be enabled for less than 4 hours since launch.
- Prevented players from clearing Tier 5 corruption, then over-rewarded players for doing so
- Infinite Bloodlust (GA),
-No Delay Hack for GA/Warhammer
-Quick Swapping (Fire,Life,Hatchet)
-Perm 2.5 Damage Stack (Hatchet)
-Resilient Perk
-Rogue BackStab
- Cause opponents to lag out in Wars by using AoE spells
To fix these, Amazon has (in order) issued a patch within a couple days, stopped server transfers, cut respawn rate, done nothing but hope it doesn't go viral, disabled the mode, disabled the rewards, and done nothing.

Focus on that last one: Ice Gauntlet and Life Staff are key PvP War weapons because they provide AoE /crowd control and AoE HOT. PvP War is fought over control points, meaning up to 100 players can surround and fight for a single point. Stacking these spells always results in players on the point lagging out, unable to move or attack. Now up until last patch, just about every war devolved into throwing AoE (lagouts) back and forth between the two sides until one of them dies while lagged. However, with the new Hatchet 2.5x Damage Stack and No Delay GA, there's a new Sheriff in town. If you want to see what I mean go to https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/qjlduu/hacker_from_del

This game is finished though right?

The Bugs
There are hundreds of niggling bugs floating around this game. Some of them are dumb and bad. Some of them should never have cleared playtesting. None of them should still exist. Som examples:
The animation for the 250 Strength perk means you need to stay at 249. The Fire Staff's Pillar of Flame randomly casts centered on you, rather than your aimer. The healing interface on Life Staff is a mess. These affect the core loop of the game: combat.

Attempting to interact with an object that's being interacted with by another player (like closing a corruption portal) glitches out your auto-run. Players found a way to restore it; THEY Hossible for attackers to win.AD TO BECAUSE IT HAPPENS SO G*D D*MN ALWAYS.

Settlements don't correctly report the levels of their crafting/refining stations on the Map.

Many in-game tooltips are just factually incorrect (light armor!)

The most annoying bug of all, however, is resource tracking. In lieu of minimap, there's a compass HUD that indicates the presence of resources nearby. As you level gathering skills, nearby resources are automatically tracked on your HUD. Except when they aren't. Sometimes, tracking just glitches and stops working at random. Oops! The kicker is, this feature is garbage. You don't need it. Resource spawn locations aren't randomized. They could've avoided this bug by removing the feature they failed to implement.

Many of these existed in beta; why aren't they fixed by Patch #3?

Design Issues
There are several break points in even the Main Quest. There are three required 5-man raids but no LFG system beyond a chat channel. Inexplicably two main quest bosses are difficult/impossible to solo, but also exist behind doors that require a player to have the quest to enter. As players finish, they can no longer help players behind them. The final boss needs at least 5 players to kill reliably under 10 minutes, even at level 60. Naturally, there's an exploit that makes it possible for ranged characters to solo it. Betting that will get patched before Wars get fixed.

Combat feels promising, but the interaction between animation canceling, action buffering, and server responsiveness just feels bad. Take Fire Staff: if you cast and hold LMB (heavy attack) before the animation finishes, you will do nothing after. If you cast and hold RMB to block, you will block immediately after. Factor in potions, weapon swaps, enemy abilities, lag, etc, and it all produces a very cludgy system that rewards micro mechanics more than macro mechanics like ability choices, combos, dodging, and aim. Of course, even if you sort this out, sometimes you'll cast a spell on your own head. Get wrecked, PvP mages.

Kotaku is writing articles about in-game deflation. The economy is sinking.

This was the killer feature: actual, meaningful, inter-faction conflict. A company (guild) controls a territory for as long as it can, then another company comes along to knock them off their perch and take their lands. Every few weeks, the map changes with the ebbs and flows of PvP warfare and political maneuvering. Right? Right? Wrong.

This started on Day 1. On most servers, the faction that controls Everfall controls the whole server because it's a central starting zone for crafting/refining. Everfall generates the most taxes and funds the most upgrades, cementing its status as the hub of the world. With those taxes, the controller buys additional territories and snowballs the map. OK, that's fine. That's what war is for.

But war is bugged. As stated above, attackers have little chance of winning. As time passes, territories upgrade their defenses, making it even harder. There are zero meaningful catch-up mechanics to encourage turnover. As controlling companies fill, new players can't even participate.

There are real benefits to being the majority faction: cheaper fast travel, trading/crafting discounts, more XP and rep. New players can see the map is purple, join purple, and level easier/faster. Existing players cannot switch to the winning faction. This further snowballs and cements status quo unless companies deliberately engineer other outcomes. Cool feature.

It's an MMO. There are 4 kinds of quests. There are a couple dozen types of enemies and move sets, most of them barely even reskinned from the same ones you've seen a dozen times. The raid bosses are interesting, but most enemies you'll see a thousand times throughout questing. The crafting system is expansive, but the economy is bonked. Storage is scarce. You can decorate your house. Overall, the game is an okay game (at it's current state). If they don't clean it up it'll just continue to be an empty, endless void of bugs and exploits.
Posted 8 October, 2021. Last edited 24 November, 2021.
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2,526.2 hrs on record (1,321.8 hrs at review time)
best br 4ever
Posted 5 July, 2017. Last edited 25 November, 2022.
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2,142.5 hrs on record (1,926.7 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
yes, good
Posted 28 November, 2016. Last edited 11 August, 2023.
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