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54.7 hrs on record (54.1 hrs at review time)
Decent RPGMaker eroge that's one of the more in-depth ones that Kagura has localized but will likely not win over people wanting something modern and flashy. Some of the translation work is odd but not complete machine slop. I'm not gonna act like it's the most amazing story work but also not act like it kicked my dog like some people seem to be doing. It's standard fare JRPG with the standard things if patched as well. There's three main routes, each with a couple ending options within them. Completion of one will give you the option to pull save data into the next run so you'll be able to run over a lot of enemies each successive run. Interestingly the patched content is the grindiest part of it, working on certain stats involved skipping a lot of patched generic scenes repeatedly to work on progression of one of the routes. With that as well since there's an option to unlock all scenes in the game you'll probably only want to go for completing each route once and then using that to see what all you missed because otherwise it's gonna become a real waste of your time to see everything because there's no good way to create a lot of save points to hit each one quickly. Otherwise decent length unpatched, lots of scenes patched that are all stills but with voice acting, dialogue is a bit wordy but not 'poetry' like many bad localizations.
UPDATE: Forgot to include a patched scene count: 100 scenes with variations and partial voice acting during, a few extra scenes to unlock with specific endings, 81 combat/side scenes (some with simple animation). Completionist playthroughs took somewhere around 50 hours for me though I'm a bit of a slowpoke.
Linux users: works out of the box, patch EXE can be used with Wine/Protontricks to use the game prefix to automatically find the correct path in Z:.
Posted 7 February. Last edited 9 February.
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76.7 hrs on record (76.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This pains me a bit because I've had some fun with this game and there's potential for a solid fusion of Geometry Wars and Vampire Survivors, but the balance is absolutely all over the place. Progression is way too gradual resulting in it taking a LOT of runs to get the power creep snowball rolling. Weapons are a mess as far as balance as well, a handful of them are infuriating to use due to short range when later bosses really can't have you sitting on top of them to hit meaning once you win a run with them you'll never use them again, meanwhile a couple weapons like the cryo-beam are so powerful it's a no-brainer to use them for most runs. The Paragon tree really helps help you not feel underpowered overall but you don't get access to it till you've put a staggering 35 levels into the skill tree, with many unlocks in that being incredibly situational or outright useless or bad to take.
If you're good with a loooooong grind to build up in power this game can be a lot of fun. But you're going to have to spend a good 5-10 hours feeling completely weak and useless even once you've learned enemy and boss patterns before it becomes enjoyable, and a lot of people really aren't going to stick around that long out of frustration with the early game.
Posted 2 February.
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46.5 hrs on record (28.5 hrs at review time)
For a color by numbers pixel art game, there is a massive selection and it's all at one price with no DLC to get the full collection, beyond the quantity and value though things go downhill.
The user experience borders on non-existent. You have a small selection of filters to narrow down the art but isn't enough to really drill down on some of it. The actual color by number process is also lacking in a lot of quality of life features. While there's a bunch of settings to adjust the pixels, none of them actually give them high visibility as the two key modes that can't be tweaked is different shades of gray with black numbers/letters/symbols, or all black with grayscale shaded aformentioned glyphs. As you can guess, there's shades that make the glyphs really hard to see making the experience eye-straining. Additionally a lot of the art was imported with dithered interpolation instead of banded, so you're going to find yourself in a lot of situations where you have to literally click pixel by pixel to color a specific color, feeling less like painting a picture and more like an old lady hunting and pecking on a keyboard. The ability to fill and highlight pixels of a color you're struggling to find are also limited use functions compared to those quality of life functions being freely usable like in the Coloring Game series.

If you've burned through the other games of this style out there and need more, then there's a whole lot more here that will keep you busy for many many hours. Just expect to get a stronger strength glasses prescription partway through though.
Posted 1 January.
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7.3 hrs on record
It's just barely a no from me, but still a no in its current state. There's the chance for a decent sandbox VN but it misses enough marks that you're better off with the handful of other games in this vein that do it right. There's a decent amount of scenes to find, but that's the challenge: FINDING them. The tips for progressions with each girl vary from helpful to being flat-out incorrect, while most of the sentences grammatically make sense they're rather mechanical to the point that ero scenes read like a science textbook, and while the main character being a perv isn't out of the norm for these games this guy is an absolute sexpest with many of the routes involving more or less ignoring 'no' till it changes to 'yes'. While stat grinding to pad out the progression is a staple of sorts with these games the amount of times it takes to do certain tasks with some of the girls take so many times with zero text/scene progression between each time you do the task that it really slows down the game. I'll be finishing the last few girls I need to see this through but unless some quality of life work is seriously done, Steam simply has better to spend your money instead for cohabitation and/or sandbox VNs unless you've burned through all the top quality ones and are desperate for more, then at that point I'd say give it a shot but make sure you check out Kilroy's walkthrough in Guides because you're really gonna need it to figure out half the steps.
Posted 29 November, 2024. Last edited 29 November, 2024.
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90.9 hrs on record (65.0 hrs at review time)
A top notch bullet heaven/survivors game that combines Vampire Survivors with classic Diablo. There is a lot of progression, a variety of classes that will get you trying different builds to conquer some of the challenges, and plenty of ways to crank the difficulty if you need more of a challenge. It really hits that 'just one more run' addiction with lots of polish and little to be critical about. You will absolutely get your money's worth in mass enemy obliterating roguelite action from this one.
Posted 28 November, 2024.
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2.9 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Something went very wrong here, because the rebuilding of the game has not been for the better. The art feels cheaper, the hitboxes are an absolute mess, and the progression is an absolute struggle (partially because of the now terrible hitboxes). There's still a pretty good idea here even with the complete rebuild, but a lot needs to be corrected to make it a recommend, and it really needs to happen before that upcoming DLC comes out.

Though I suppose the way it currently plays is a good summary of Kagura Games in general: an absolute crapshoot on if it's gonna be good or bad.
Posted 28 November, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
The size and quality of this DLC is a new gold standard of how to add paid postgame support. The amount of gameplay and unlocks absolutely dwarfs the past DLC for Vampire Survivors, and that's even before you hit the big surprise after the credits. This really shows the absolute love poncle has for Castlevania and why the base game content was such a tongue in cheek parody of the franchise in the first place. An absolute home run that could have been its own entire game with the amount of content and care given, and compliments the core of Vampire Survivors fantastically. An absolute must buy, another reason everyone should buy Vampire Survivors in the first place if they haven't yet, and continued evidence that poncle is one of those extremely rare devs turned studios that shows there are still amazing people in the world.
Posted 13 November, 2024.
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11.7 hrs on record
Even after a full release and multiple patches, this feels like a beta at best. The framework for a fun game is here and there's an impressive variety of houses of different construction methods and cultures, but every aspect of it feels 3/4 finished resulting in an overall frustrating time.
-The world map is a literal world with no explanation how to navigate until you realize it rotates (slowly) via the cursor being at edges of the screen.
-Steps given when building a house have a staggering amount of clarity issues. There are many times where a key element of a step isn't actually explained.
-Many of the levels feel like they were designed for different versions of the game. Many mechanics and materials will suddenly work differently with no info or reason as to why.
-The skill tree is nonsensical. Some of them are useful quality of life improvements or increases in speed, some of them are genuinely just there to mostly remove some gameplay element, some tasks have nothing to improve or speed them up at all.
-Pray that if you have to put a material down for a while to pick up other things it doesn't launch into space.
-You'll be given some of the things to build a house on-site, you'll have to buy some of them. You won't know what of or how much until each step as there is no outline so you'll be repeatedly buying the same materials as they're needed each step because there's no way to see a total amount.
-The truck said orders come on moves like it just was giving a simple tween, complete with unnatural rotation giving a major incomplete game sensation.
-The breaking point for me personally: one of the levels has a lift you have to use a multitude of times to get up and down a large rock you're building on. At one point the lift moves horizontally and you don't move with it.
There's so many more things I could list but these are the more critical ones. Simply put, there are much better games of this niche available even from the same publisher. I'd advise buying those instead.
Posted 9 May, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 10 May, 2024 @ 4:51am (view response)
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0.0 hrs on record
Poncle didn't just make a crossover DLC.
Poncle made a magnificent love letter to classic Contra fans. The twists on the VS formula need to be seen without being spoiled so play this ASAP.
Posted 9 May, 2024.
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9.9 hrs on record (8.0 hrs at review time)
A somewhat simple but well made cohabitation game. The story is well done, the Live2D work looks great, translation is a bit literal but there's no egregious errors or missing translations. While there is an NTR path, it is disabled by default with no achievements tied to it any more and gives a big ol disclaimer about what you're gonna get into if enabled. It's a rather emotional game overall with a few dark themes but worth pushing through to see the story so long as you aren't heavily disturbed by depressing themes.
Posted 5 April, 2024.
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