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15 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
43.1 h en tout
10fps Seath fight and blightown is def an unique experience to enjoy while you're getting ♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Game of decade indeed.
Évaluation publiée le 6 septembre.
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20 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
92.4 h en tout (74.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Return to monkeee

After i've done two ends of this game. I'll be forced to do a positive review.
Better than others AAA games launched this year, no cap here, better than DD2 and Helldivers2.

Yellowbrow is one of biggest cheap designs i ever saw in my life.
Boss literally kept spamming his invicible move on him, took me a lot of tries until the RNG stopped f***** w/ me, In another end, wukong final boss which has perfect dodge i bypassed first try, so the balancing in this game is pretty funny to not say bad.

- Chapter 1-2-5-6 exploration were really good and smooth, yet chapter 3 and 4 walking the maps and finding the secrets paths was a pain in the arse, like a REAL pain! Specially third chapter i think it took me three days to fully do everything in chapter three KEK.

- Ray tracing improves next to nothing at cinematic settings besides eating 20fps for myself, i would recommend people with good hardware focusing in cinematic preset instead as i had a stable 58-72fps with everything maxed. at 3440x1440.

- The invisible walls looks like climbable areas, and it was funny and annoying at the same time, having to deal with it.

Anything else besides the ♥♥♥♥ really.

- Ultrawide support+cutscene support. ~ anime cutscenes doens't has UW support yet, i mean it was a really interesting take, everytime you beat a chapter it would tell a fragment of wukong story with a nice chinese song playing+a different artstyle for each one.

- Gameplay, i think after you get to lvl 100, you can really tweak your builds for your necessity. It has highly custom loadouts in skills, you can spent and refund points for free. So you're free to choose and tweak your playstyle anytime of the game.

-Cosmetics, while it doesn't offer transmogs, you can upgrade any craftable armor set to highest tear, if you like a passive effect of one armor instead of another in a new chapter. In chapter 3 you unlock this feature. Be it the cosmetic look you prefer in a old model, or useful bonus for your build you can keep that armor for the rest of the game until mythcial tear!

- While the weapons movesets follow three patterns, end game weapons have unique effects, such as sprounting lava from the ground or spawning swords from thrust stance.

-The story itself is good with the osts being great too.

- FOUR HEAVELY KINGS IS PEAK GAMING FIGHTING, I even felt my testo levels rising up.

- Graphics were really good, using nvidia filters went one step above too.


Score : Monkey with stick does bonk.
Évaluation publiée le 20 aout. Dernière modification le 28 aout.
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18 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.0 h en tout
Honestly i like this DLC, got it at discount as any sane user of CA games would.

Yet reason i'm gonna leave a negative review here is simple: I noticed we can't use discussions anymore as users!
Like you're forbidden to rid yourself of your doubts and your complains about their ingame decision.

CA assembly over the years become worse and worse, they deliver you quality, from the AAA games, i think these devs usually deliver what i want to play, but charge 40% more than what their product is actually worth. Besides a lot of dlcs being - cut content to be sold for extra $$$ or some bs.

About this DLC in my opinion the bad aspect of it, there isnt any achievement for you to get, you can use a Lord under Slaanesh for example, the one in this DLC is better than base game, but doesnt register your progression.... again, Great game, but leaves a lot to be desirable, i think tw2 and tw were done with more care to the final user, they're just slighty worse in graphics.
Évaluation publiée le 28 juillet.
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20 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
26.4 h en tout
Def is my 4 fav yakuza.

Gameplay is : well yakuza go for it!

History : I think yakuza 0 and Kiwami, one after the other are like a match in heaven.
Wont spoil, its def one of most emotion thrilling, story wise i think it's my second favorite, losing more due to gameplay in the ranking.

Majima encounters = literally me.
Évaluation publiée le 27 juillet.
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192 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
105 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
35.7 h en tout (3.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
Goal of the game? Kill the enemy players and bail out.

Goal of my team? See which one of us is the most braindead & does more friendly damage.
Évaluation publiée le 22 juillet. Dernière modification le 22 juillet.
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24 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
28.0 h en tout
Stalker 2 warm up

Interesting the Enhanced version doesnt track playtime in the review page xD

It's kind funny to read some of the negatives reviews/traits people expose. "Bad voice acting? Bugs? I cant skip dialogues(Attention spam of a tiktoker??)", well who knows. Right?( point in fact i played this with two different rig builds and one time in xbox, and honestly i only saw graphical difference, no bugs in a ryzen cpu, intel cpu or well a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ console...)

The open world maps are mostly empty and without much to explore, and if you focus in going to the main missions they're shorter than the levels which aren't open maps. I saw a lot of textures errors, meaning, low res textures in a 4k ultra setting with RTX on...nothing in important places or characters, but when you're exploring and see this stuff breaks the immersion. Yet, the experience was 9/10 for myself, those are real negatives traits, but didn't bothered much.

Love or Hate it, the resources in Exodus are scarcer than in other titles, you can craft, but hardly you can sustain assault rifles, shotguns and revolvers. Sniper rifle,Tikhar rifle and hellsing being the best weapons to use. Base game, in SAM's story the Sammy rifle was really sweet to use and the Colt too.

Sound design of the game was great for me, cutscene, ost blend with the action, nothing masterful as Halo OST or Doom, but it was really nice for a small studio game.

While i spoke bad about some graphics textures above, the RTX in tunnels and at night was amazing, the light effect was really, really good. Mushrooms, the anomalies, and the flame effects were a feast to my eyes.

Price ratio of content sold was really worth it? I mean i got it when it came from Epic, and replayed a bit , both Exodus and Enhanced exodus. I think i got it with 50% off, and nowadays i see it often sold even cheaper. Therefore with this in mind i def can say you dont lose a shred of your money getting this if you enjoy nuclear FPS setting.

Some personal notes about the game
I think its interesting to see how miller and Anna are different in game vs books, the lovely and caring Anna is non existent, and Miller is a real ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. This makes their version in the Game for myself better than the version in Book.
Exodus songs, with metro last light and stalker, made me search for Slavic oriented songs, and honestly i'm really grateful for that, 'cause i really enjoy some gems i've found.
And of the game itself : "This ost hits really hard"

About the DLCS, kind of main story too, if you look into it, everything is related about Moral choices, with a father-son/daughter goal in mind. The game is more rigged towards a good ending(moral points) 'cause its a lot more organic the progression.

"The fact that you're listening to this log means that you had enough interest in the game to start it over once again. Thus, The efforts of 4a Games team weren't wasted" NG+ stuff
Évaluation publiée le 15 juillet.
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40 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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119.3 h en tout (27.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I believe this game deserves a big review, still I'll try just a short one for now.

Well I remember when I got it back in 2021 with my old GTX 1660 this game ran like ♥♥♥♥, constant fps issues and etc, so I never finished it, then I got into a job which had most of my time, and this is important cause in this era I already had a better 3070ti GPU etc, but this game is well hardcore QoL.

Now I'm having the time to properly invest on it, I think this isn't made for everyone, worse is the kind of game you need to get when you have a lot of free time, a death can positively throw away 1-3h of playtime, amongst other atrocious QoL.

In another hand, this game gives a real medieval feeling, isn't the kind of game where everyone bends the knees to blow you in your horse os something. You really need to go out of your way to learn, thief,knights and so on skills.

I think the culture of Czech is really well explained, songs are nice too,it's nice when get some random talk events, curses in fight and so on.

The dlc where you play as woman, is Very realistic and boring too , not for being a woman, but it's a extreme walking simulator of empty places, BUT the quality of story is great and I think Thereza is the best girl Henry can void his "virgin achievement run or something kek*

Personally I hate to my bones the crime system, I swear to god, I go into the houses, knock people out at night and sleeping, kill them, and somehow I get fined by the crime. (I properly fence stuff and etc), it's completely rigged. Yet you guess what ? I went to see my liege at rattay with more than 2k gold from simple murdering another fellows villagers and selling their stuff to the mill men. I think it's so punitive to the player because it's the quickest way to become rich without any real effort or skill involved.

My favorite part is the sidekick window and training my dog, it pleases me very much seeing my dog learning my ways of how to kill people by biting their ankles, best doggy in the world!

I left out some immersion stuffs which are good like whetstone etc and lock picking, but there's some bad ones like needing to do lots of side tracks to be able to repair your gear, clean yourself for haggling and etc.

Só despite the drawbacks I would recommend cause it's a great experience.
Won't recommend trying to get 100%, won't recommend playing this with less than 10h per week, as sometimes you can't save when you want.

P.s: I wrote this on phone cause I can't sleep, sorry about any miss typo.
P.s2: I wanted to write about the gameplay itself, the history of the game is fantastic so I don't think it's nice to spoil what this game has to offer.

Edit i had a crash in a main story cutscene which voided me of like 2h of gameplay from last save game, this almost makes me downvote this, if it happens again i''ll.

Honestly ♥♥♥♥ off the fact you cant save and years after first release this is still an issue.
Évaluation publiée le 7 juillet. Dernière modification le 7 juillet.
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743 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
293 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
0.0 h en tout
Can't wait to smell miquella's feet

It was refreshing.
Évaluation publiée le 20 juin. Dernière modification le 23 juin.
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67 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
73.3 h en tout (2.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
...And my friends joked with me when i said i would only buy this in steam kek.

with that said this game scratch a spot in my childhood, which is very dear.
Riku you can forget about that paopu fruit kekekekeekek

p.s: personally i'm playing this game at 60fps, and its fine, no bug so far, ok, theres the bug fo 120fps, but honestly its a singleplayer game, you seriously dont need that in a remaster of a game of 2000 like c'mon, if you wanna give a negative review, the price is objectively a better excuse for that.
Évaluation publiée le 13 juin. Dernière modification le 13 juin.
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30 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.0 h en tout
this should be free content

Honestly, the fact you can play with chaos for free in TW3 and the fact this was a DLC day one for TW, makes this DLC very dirty. I wont give negative review, even thought i think it deserves it. Due to the gameplay of the faction, and i'm gonna write what i thought about the gameplay:

If you play with Archaon, you literally can solo a garrison alone with him, thus earning the 10-1 achievement, if you play wiith the troops, usually two and even three armies... your warriors flee or die at some point, but archaon is there alive and kicking, literally GOATED, easiest campaign i did in TW, it's a hoard faction, same as beastmen, and i would say greenskins, but it doesnt has the debuff of idle hoard= attriction.

Also i finished the campaign around turn 200, long campaign victory+all research done for all chaos achievements... literally my upkeep was only my lords and heroes, my vassals basically paid me for the army upkeep and the skulls building provides gold for the lord and heroes in the army... so honestly it was one of the easiest economy armies, people who didnt read what the buidings in the panel do, are the reason to blame, you can reduce upkeep by 80% by buildings alone without perks.

I even read a review you can't use another army....my brother in CHAOS you literally can recruit a Lord, in the hoard menu, in fact you need to recruit 5 lords to ge the achievement to building skulls keeps, so you would need around 80 population surplus for this achievement, and the first lords are easy, 4/8 population surplus. (What i did was, Raze kislev first, let ostenmark take the razed settlements, and went north to raze the norsca tribes to be under my rule).

I also had the most fun, with siege battles in TW with Chaos, this DLC, it became a lot more enjoyable, fun fact you can use Archaon himself to climb the walls and he slays the guards alone. A true conqueror.

p.s: i find funny, if you play with chaos you arent required to destroy vampires or greenskins, just empire and bretonnia, but if you're either vampire or greenskins, they attack you, i was literally at war with the chaos dudes in my campaign and i had positive approval of 90 with with them, due to my war with empire :)
Évaluation publiée le 13 juin. Dernière modification le 13 juin.
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