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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika IronHawx

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4.8 godz. łącznie
Game tries to be battlefield or old school cod. Either way it misses the mark. Overall gunplay is lack luster, graphics are a bit underwhelming (sadly its not ue5 for the mp segment), and maps/game modes aren't really strong either. That mixed w/ the kernal level anti cheat that it never alerts you to is a pass from me.
Opublikowana: 5 grudnia 2024.
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51.8 godz. łącznie (4.9 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
First off, I've enjoyed the game so far. It seems fun, what it has on offer at "end game" idk yet haven't reached there but enjoying the journey so far. Game is like the division meets the mind of kojima with survival elements all pieced together. Its even better that its f2p and the monetization isn't all in your face. I can't recall in time playing where the game pushed the store in my face or felt like I was missing something buy not spending money. In fact only time I saw the store was when I went looking for it to just kind of see what was on offer. As of writing only thing I've seen is a bunch of skins and a questionable purchasable resource cache for "building". So assuming it doesn't have all the items you get from scavenging needed to craft weapons seems like an ok thing.

Overall I'd give this 6/7 out of 10 with 5 being avg. At the end of the day its f2p so if it peaks your interest why not give it a go and check it out for yourself if you like it continue to enjoy if its not for you nothing lost.
Opublikowana: 10 lipca 2024.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
22.9 godz. łącznie (10.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Games pretty decent for a f2p game. While some compare this to destiny and warframe to me it feels more like outriders and warframe. Good fun gun play with abilities with warframes mod card system to power up hero/weapons. I haven't searched through the store extensively but from what I saw was fair price at least when it comes to the characters. Cost 10 bucks to get one and leave ya a little currency left over. Heck of a lot better than warframes pricing. Iirc cost 300 plat for a warframe which cost 20 dollars. So people saying this games premium shop is unfair clearly never looked at other games. Honestly 10bucks (more like 7) for a character isn't too bad for a f2p on par with LoL pricing.

Overall, for a f2p game, its solid with a good base for it to grow. There are some audio issues w/ facial animations not matching up with dialogue. This f2p is offering more than some of the recent AAA games in past couple years so I'm down, and will probably toss a tenner at them so they can continue to expand it. If they don't do anything egregious, I'll give them a thumbs up and recommend people try it.
Opublikowana: 5 lipca 2024. Ostatnio edytowane: 5 lipca 2024.
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39.9 godz. łącznie (2.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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So first and foremost lets talk performance 13700k, 4090 gpu, 64gb ddr 5, and installation on secondary pcie gen 4 nvme. Able to get 90fps on epic at 4k w/ dlss balanced and frame gen. W/o frame gen get ~55fps. Graphics are great, quickly was reminded I hate the little dinos stupid bastards, and even worse now with proper high grass for them to properly hide in. So now anytime I see the foliage move I freak. I also ran this on my laptop that has a 7845hx, 4080, and 32gb ddr5. It got 60fps at 1440p at medium dlss balanced. Now these numbers are taken after they apparently had put out an optimization patch early in the day.

Game is fun especially for myself as I hadn't played ark in over 6 years. It sucks that its not ark2, it sucks that all the dlc thats included isn't available day one, but as long as its released in a timely/steady manner, I won't feel to cheated. 40 dollars for a full on remake with the amount of additional content to come isn't too bad a price. Anyone who thinks its a matter of copy and paste code and press a single button and you have a high res model and animations from an old engine to a new engine has 0 experience doing programming or 3d art. It takes work and unreal 4 to 5 is a major rework and overhaul.

In the end game is fun, runs pretty good for day 1, looking forward to see what optimizations they bring over the next week or so.
Opublikowana: 27 października 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 27 października 2023.
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Według 6 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
9.2 godz. łącznie (0.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
Played long enough to build a rocket orbit, deorbit, second rocket orbit go to mun, return. Game is not worth the $50 right now. Its a lesser version of ksp1 at this point. Also the UI style is horrible, why they chose to use some dot matrix printer styling for the ui is beyond me its hard to read and looks clunky not "stylish". On a smaller screen it may look better, but @ 32" 1440p the dots are massive as well as gaps b/w them. Maybe when they actually add in the stuff that makes this a successor and not just a remake will come back to EA and help test. Its sad that minimum 3yrs in development with the original release planned in 2020, this is where we are at...

I get its EA but to ask $50 bucks for a lesser version of a reskinned ksp1 is a bit much. Will keep my fingers crossed the features that make it a successor don't take to long to come about as thats when I'll dip my toes back in and maybe the asking price would be worth it.

Anyone whos like state its amazing its so great, its so much better than ksp 1, is paid, a lieing uber fan, or never played ksp1 and has no point of comparison to work off of.

KSP 1 was great even during its EA process and they priced it fairly based on the content available and increased the price as content and features added. Which is how it should be as a thank you to the community and players for paying to be alpha testers (not even beta).

Maybe in 6 months it will be in a better state and the asking price be more reasonable. Will update review then. For now I'd suggest staying away and let them actually earn the cash, vs giving it up now on the hopes things will get better.

Update 12/26/23: I wanted to potentially recommend the game after "For Science" update, while its added quite a bit and seems to have fixed some issues, major issues still exist. Was having fun working my way through the tech tree and doing the missions. I got all the way to the minmus mission with little issues presenting themselves aside from lights now working properly. However there are still game breaking bugs such as decaying orbits still being an issue and decouplers being bugged decoupled my lander and it lost all its velocity instantly. So till these game breaking bugs are fixed still can not recommend the game.
Opublikowana: 24 lutego 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 26 grudnia 2023.
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Według 66 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 7 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
14.3 godz. łącznie
Its not a bad game, actually quite well done, however only 14hrs to complete it at 80%. (I don't care about doing the clone of ubisofts fortresses nonsense from farcry) So while I appreciate sony porting over some of their good/great sp games, for full price after several years wait not worth the bill. Wait for it to go on sale, 30 bucks would be golden for this game but 60 is to much.
Opublikowana: 14 sierpnia 2022.
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Według 7 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
1.5 godz. łącznie (0.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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Models and textures seem low res and plastic like. Arma 3 had sharper textures. Missing features such as stance adjustment such as stepping out or adjusting up and down and bipodsand weapon resting. Overall it runs smoother than arma 3 but this is due to yes new engine improvements but also watering down in order to allow it to run on consoles. Ultimately heres hoping they can tune it better and arma 4 doesn't suffer from them wanting to release to console. Lots of good ideas like how the new workshop is supposed to be seamless. Will check on reforger a few months down the road as is, no way is 30 a worthy price. Rather them have done like they did with arma 3 and ea vs this water'd down abandonware ea relase.

TL:DR Loved the arma series spent thousands of hours in arma 2 and 3, but don't listen to the blind fanboys this isn't anyway good, it feels in it current state a poorly done squad rip-off.
Opublikowana: 17 maja 2022. Ostatnio edytowane: 17 maja 2022.
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1.7 godz. łącznie
At first it was kind of enjoyable, but quickly got old. The fact there is a cash shop right out the gate while also charging money for the game seemed odd. I know lots of games have them these days but when I see what looked to be weapons and armor (could've been cosmetic and I just missed something) as well as limited gear, limited skill trees, and combat very basic it quickly became clear this game has 0 depth to it. Was hoping something along the lines of diablo/poe with a little base defense/survial in the mix sadly that doesn't seem to be the case.
Opublikowana: 27 lipca 2021.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
0.6 godz. łącznie
Buyer beware, trash game. Wanted to enjoy it, but has serious graphic glitching with stuttering. Happens in Vr or just regular play, making the game unplayable. Really sucks as was looking for a good racing VR game clearly this one isn't it and advise people to stay away from this ♥♥♥♥. Its a clear issue just google it.
Opublikowana: 4 lipca 2020.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
24.0 godz. łącznie (2.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I had high hopes for this game, but sadly it is a soulless game. While its a beautiful game, and the rain effects are quite something, overall the gameplay is shallow, slow, and lacking any kind of "fun". Knowing Frotnier were the ones behind this I had expected something akin to Planet Coaster, just set in the Jurassic World universe. Sadly all the things that made Planet Coaster fun, are missing here. The limited buildings available, along with lack of diversity of them really makes the game dull. Then on top of it all you have no time controls, so everything is real time and unable to speed up through some of the slow spots. The fact this game doesn't even have a day night cycle really bothered me as well. The lack of any kind of real park management, and guest interaction like you see in Planet Coaster is again a huge let down. If the game was only 20-30 bucks maybe it woudn't feel as bad, but for the price tag of 60 dollars for what you get is just simply inexcusable. Sadly despite my wanting to like this game (and I really did), its just shallow and really missing the soul that makes games like Planet Coaster shine.
Opublikowana: 13 czerwca 2018.
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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 14 pozycji