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지난 2주간 0.0시간 / 기록상 374.4시간 (평가 당시 176.4시간)
게시 일시: 2016년 11월 19일 오후 2시 14분
업데이트됨: 2016년 12월 17일 오후 12시 24분

I was not sure if I was going to write a review for this game, but recent events have forced me to write this review to voice my opinions and to help anyone who would want to purchase this game.

I have been a supporter of this game for almost two and a half years in total. I had the highest hopes for this game and what the developers said they were going to make it, which was a large MMO type game much like guild wars 2 but in the 40k universe. I jumped at the chance to back a game like that I mean any 40k fan would. sadly to say I invested a large amount of money (£570) into the game at just the promise of a full and evolving game in an MMO world which we never got which I will never do again.

The main problems with the game are known quite well such as the unstable lag spikes and the hit collision time. This makes the game not only hard to play but sometimes unplayable as you will be hit from out of now where and dying. To me, these are not as bad as people make them out to be as they can and hopefully will be fixed.

The problem I have with the game is the lack of Warhammer 40k feel which for me is the only thing they need to get right day one, bugs and balance can be patched and items can be added. As a person who has backed 40k for the last 10 years, I wanted to see the lore come alive like never before.

The game starts with four races which in this day and age is just sad especially as 40k as some of the must interesting races in fiction, even the races are the same four in every other 40k game the space mariens, chaos space marines, Eldar and the Orks I mean give us some of the other factions to play as.

The worst thing about this game is that each race feels the same which in my eyes is outrageous. each race should play and feel completely opposite, from the Eldar's hit and run tactics to the Ork's wall of bodies driving lines back in the endless green tide. even the most basic factions, the space marines are just boring to play. You don't feel like a walking tank that can take on any foe, look at the game Space marine to see what I'm talking about. I have not gone into chaos as the are the same as the loyalest apart from a few marks which do not show their respective gods very well.Each map is the same bland brown and grey map with buildings and pipes which takes away the whole epic scale of 40k which the fans wanted.

I could keep going on about how bad the game is but I don't want to as there is really no point anymore. The game will die if they devs do not fix the problems and very fast or they are going to lose this game. as for me, I am done with eternal crusade until they fix the feel and look of the game which I highly dought they can.
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댓글 29
Whathefox1 2023년 11월 19일 오후 4시 36분 
£570 lmfao at you
Yurn 2018년 6월 5일 오후 8시 21분 
yup, they're a bunch of decievers. I too was overhyped until I found out that borderlands was more interesting than this crap I waited for so many years to come out..
V-2015665 2017년 7월 21일 오후 7시 45분 
You and I are in the same boat. I backed it wiht Xeno version.. And got nothing that was promised. from open world MMO to an arena shooter...
Lawy 2017년 3월 19일 오후 3시 03분 
at least more ppl know the game now - thats one thing i hope EC Team will not fuck up
Stealth 2017년 3월 19일 오후 3시 01분 
It would be fine if the game could run as of right now its having problems which they are fixing *I hope*
Lawy 2017년 3월 19일 오후 2시 43분 
well founder here (120€ edtion)
i hope the "f2p" (not rly but its something) makes the game "better" (somehow)
DeosPraetorian.tv 2016년 12월 18일 오후 10시 29분 
@JiuJitsu If by many you mean 100-150 ppl playing at any given time
Zakalwe 2016년 12월 18일 오전 4시 41분 
Woah....for a moment I thought you saud you'd invested £570 in this game! That would be madness of course.
AF 2016년 12월 17일 오후 1시 37분 
Indeed very good reviewed!
Will definitely not buy and stick to "Space Marine" for now. So many people still DO play it online!
Stealth 2016년 12월 17일 오후 12시 28분 
wow, I never thought this review would become this popular. As to the amount of money spent it may seem like a outrages amount but this is over two and a half years from backing a new game to small amount here and there. As @crazysblah10 said 40k make people do crazy things I mean why else would we spend thousands on plastic miniatures ^^