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1.5 hodin celkem
The tutorial state management is atrocious and there is no apparent way to skip it, game is generally uninteresting and buggy. I managed to fumble my way through and make a flying thing, then I flew away for quite some time but it was unclear if I would ever find anything. I was expecting the 'skyship' thing to be slightly complex or nuanced but they are held aloft by magic for free. Feels like it will eventually be on par with last oasis in terms of being rubbish
Odesláno 22. února.
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85.2 hodin celkem (82.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
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This is like dwarf fortress but with actual nuance and difficulty , and it runs at least 400x faster. There are no Z slices but eh.

Each new update either changes or introduces a new mechanic that makes the game more difficult in some way. The developer is some kind of spreadsheet sadist clearly, in 82 hours I do not think I have gotten more than ~700 population, I will not prepare a spreadsheet. I will not play optimally. I hate the antichrist (AntiJake) okay thanks.
Odesláno 27. ledna.
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16 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
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3.0 hodin celkem
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The control and logistic scheme is annoying and bot 'programming' is done with spaghetti nodes.

Making buildings is tedious and there is no apparent way to automatically manufacture depending on demand that I have found. The logistics network generally does a poor job, and the UI makes the game appear far more complicated than it actually is, Doing literally anything is a PITA.

This is supposed to be a factory / programming game I think but struggling to find those elements in the swamp of obtuse design.
Odesláno 27. ledna.
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5.0 hodin celkem
I have not attempted the multiplayer or the skirmish modes so far, just the campaign. Not really enjoying it, I have been waiting for 5 hours now for the game to do something interesting but it has not happened. All of the missions thus far have been very linear, dotted with go here and there exposition sequences. I was expecting the campaign to be open ended but so far it is a very slow, tedious burn (on rails). Some missions left me looking around the periphery of the screen for some button to increase the game speed. Others are just annoying, attempting to satisfy all of the scripted variables so you can painstakingly evacuate all of your material and troops.

The army config screen, "world map" and resource management is essentially a pointless afterthought, too bare bones to be engaging, present to check the box. Rarely even ties into each mission, tedious to configure and generally seems disjointed. The campaign could have just been a list of missions, and very likely was before they slapped this in to make it seem more modern. It does not even compare to indie games with (actual) open ended campaigns and resource management such as Highfleet or Starsector.

The realtime tactical gameplay is incredibly mediocre for the year of release, the squad movement, damage model and vehicle mechanics are somewhat comparable to Men of War(2009), or Company of Heroes (2006). Mechanically the game feels around 20 years old which is just sad. There is very little nuance or special abilities to units, and the squad AI often fails in terrible and spectacular ways.

Pathfinding is comically unable to find a path at times, or often the path becomes obstructed during navigation and it just completely gives up. Expect to find that your units have just stopped for no particular reason.

The most common example I have seen so far is building assaults, two combatant squads in a building, not fighting because path finding has given up. The vehicle handing is predictably just as bad, and functions only with the most vague suggestions of handling. There only appears to be one routine that handles every vehicle.

The campaign itself really feels dated as well, in terms of presentation and map size. The maps are large enough to make moving squads on foot take forever, small enough that vehicle speed and range is hampered. Artillery is particularly bizarre and often rains down on top of your spotters as the line of sight is pathetic.

There are basically none of the basic features one would expect, such as squad reinforcement, Can't split squads or assume direct control, manual ammo selection is a tedious dance, fuel may as well not even exist, ammo just requires more tedious strung out gameplay, doubling back squads and vehicles to a resupply truck or whatever. Squads automatically heal outside of combat, no medic required. No depth or nuance to be found here, there is no way to retreat units or reinforce outside of scripted events.

This game feels like it should have released decades ago, did it? Am I missing something? Is it a remaster of some old game? The men of war campaign generator mods, in all of their jank does a better job than this game, with the concession that they are not terminator themed. Which is basically all this has going for it.

Terminator themed RTS that feels 20 years old, abject failure to innovate.
Odesláno 27. ledna.
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4 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
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11.4 hodin celkem (1.8 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Recenze předběžného přístupu
The performance of the raytracer is not adequate and consequently you will be subjected to whatever upscaler technology your card, driver supports. It is true that some upscaler technologies look better than others, but I am in the boat where I would not prefer to look at them at all.

The developer has stated no interest in the use of a rasterizer, stating that it is not possible due to the technical requirements of their game.
It is not very clear to me what these technical requirements actually are, considering that I have been playing raster driven games of greater complexity and scope for decades (Shores of Hazeron most notably). One technical requirement appears to be dynamic shadows and reflections on user created content, which shores of hazeron solves by not doing that.
Regardless of the developers justification, they are hell bent on a pure raytraced game which is commendable but basically alienates everyone. Most people either don't have a supported card, or do but hate upscaling and taa, etc

There is a bit of disparity with this, personally I do not care how crude graphics are, so long as they possess visual clarity. The current trend appears to be the exact opposite, photorealistic graphics that turns into a blurry swamp or crawls around like you are on acid.
I will continue to fiddle with it and potentially get reasonable picture quality at a reasonable framerate that doesn't look blurry.
The technical aspects aside, the gameplay itself is a reasonably put together vehicular sandbox, with optional grinding for resources. I couldn't see it captivating my attention for hundreds of hours without some kind of exploration incentive or resource management and threats.
Odesláno 25. prosince 2024.
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0.9 hodin celkem
I played this years ago, it was pretty bad and rife with glitches.

Coming back years later, it is even worse with all of the same glitches still included. Plus a lot more attempts to get me to spend money.
Odesláno 6. prosince 2024.
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2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
2.4 hodin celkem
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No idea why this game got so much traction, it seems pretty bereft of depth
Odesláno 30. listopadu 2024.
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11 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
0.0 hodin celkem
Bought this to play mods, haven't bothered to actually play through it, I already know it will be overpriced and mediocre just like all the other DLC for this game.

Tynan please stop updating rimworld and making DLC I am tired of having to spend days re-shuffling mods.

No I will not buy your book either
Odesláno 26. listopadu 2024.
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3 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
9.9 hodin celkem
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Interesting map generation gimmick, rest of the game is decidedly mediocre.

The game is more or less unplayable long term due to non renewable resource constraints. Once you have used up what is on the map that's it. There is no way to acquire bricks or metal beyond that point.

The gameplay does not facilitate most regions of the planet for this reason. There are a few cherry picked areas, with more present on the workshop. Sprawling metropolitan maps often come at a cost of performance, while regional areas you may not play at all. For instance I tried my home town and some neighbor towns all of which may not be played due to not having enough buildings. It should be feasible to play on a map with nothing at all, but the mechanics do not support this.

Unfortunately the accuracy of the generated maps is relatively poor, this is a case of garbage in - garbage out with the open street map data. There is no elevation, very little building variety, etc. Water is present but does not appear to serve any purpose at all as the zombies can simply swim.

Gameplay is otherwise very time gated (artificially slow), interspersed with annoying radio transmission events that I turned off after the first playthrough.
Unfortunately you have to manually accept every migrant wave, through the radio interface, some of which have different dialogue trees which is just tedious.

It should be noted that the game can be sped up vastly, enable cheats in the console and set the timescale to 100x. Once you stop idly waiting for events to transpire the lack of depth becomes very apparent.

Mechanically the game does a poor job of supporting the maps, the gameplay feels like an afterthought to the map generation itself. Squad management is a chore, you have to direct them manually to resupply ammo and heal. The equipment variety is incredibly basic and the combat is relatively one dimensional. Managing multiple squads is technically possible but poor due to strange UI choices. Keeping your squads alive is optional as the population increases rapidly and is very disposable. Build a big warehouse and squad HQ early, scavenge the entire map in one go. Your squads are now just mobile towers that you have to micromanage to heal and resupply.

Constructing and converting buildings is also tedious, there is a hotkey for deconstruction (u), but everything else is a manual operation for each construction. Walls and farms are the exception to this as they can be dragged for multiple instances.

Construction lacks depth and nuance, building your own structures is locked behind a tech tree and the resource investment is substantial. Research should present incremental improvements or alterations to your existing capabilities, instead it is just an artifical time gate to drip feed features that should be enabled from the start. Science requires no resources or thought other than housing and feeding scientists.

Population requirements and happiness is also entirely one dimensional. You either have enough houses, food, daycare, etc or you do not. Electricity, plumbing and other amenities are not present.

Defence is also really basic, walls and towers do not really serve a purpose beyond consuming your resources through repairs. Towers used to consume ammunition but that was removed at some point. Towers can use bows which is missing from squads. Just stack squads in perimeter buildings and call it a day.
You can't use walls to funnel hordes into a killzone for instance, they will just attack the nearest structure from what I can tell.

This is an interesting prototype that generates game maps from real world data, but the execution of the game part is insubstantial and bare bones. A lot of the features make no sense, are annoying or otherwise do not contribute to the experience in a meaningful way. They appear to be mandated for the sake of feature parity with other RTS zombie games.
Odesláno 24. listopadu 2024. Naposledy upraveno 1. prosince 2024.
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