My heart is full because I LOVE GRASS. Chalk is Squids road. Egads! Ah no, es un elote. Although uncouth the fox may be, I already know where time travels and light meets. Bernoulli Converginators. Sweet Oranges. Chair Crushed Alligators. Anatomically Implausible Delights. Mythopoetic Psychocosmology. Cotton Chicken Candy Nuggets. Rooty-Tooty Loot'n'Shooty's. Ranibow Sprimkles. Electro-syntho-magnetic musical sounds. Hero fruits. I’m a doctor not a counter-insurgent. Ducks and how to make them pay. Crows before bros; Support your local murder. No worms on the bed. None pizza with left beef. BLESSED BE THE CORN. HALLOWED IS THE TUBER. PRAISE GRAVY. PAY ABEISANCE TO THE LEGUMES. I HAVE BEEN BAPTIZED, FIRST IN CIDER, THEN IN FIRE. PAY HOMILY TO THE HOMINY. HELLFIRE AND GINGERSNAPS. HOMAGE TO THE RUFFAGE. Beef jerky is just a cow raisin. It's not about winning or losing. Sometimes it's about how many pages you add to the rulebook. I have spoken. When I get nervous my eyes start sweating. NERF Sports Pocket Vortex Aero Howler. Spin the Drum. I always forget to ionize my plasma butter. Sriracha flavored yoghurt. Awake, and avast, hold tight your buns, if buns you do hold dear. For time has come to wake and run and not give wAY TO FEEEEEAAAARRRR. I'll see you climpy glimmers on the triode flimpin the diode. I hope we this again very now. Crapple dumpkins. :DemonFireOrb::DerketoMask::judy::royce::valentinos::octodad::p2turret::cleancake::cleandino::cleanfloppy::divemask::seamoth::snguy::subnautica::terraria::whiterun::Bloodvial::cozycrashfish::cozyhoi4eagle::cozyskyrimvr::cozyspaceengineersa::Corpus::Grineer::steambored::steamfacepalm::steamhappy::steammocking::steamsad::steamsalty::steamthis::steamthumbsdown::steamthumbsup:
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SaiyanPrinceCap 1 Nov, 2014 @ 9:35am 
Dude bro dude. Evolve, alpha, let's do it