i only love anime ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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oxygen 27 Jun, 2023 @ 12:19am 
ur metal wow!!
oxygen 18 May, 2023 @ 3:15am 
wat the heck did i send
oxygen 22 Mar, 2022 @ 4:05pm 
Znal pbyyrtr fghqragf unir tbar gb pbyyrtr naq tbggra ubbxrq ba qehtf, znevwhnan, naq nypbuby. Yvfgra, fgbc gelvat gb or fbzrobql ryfr. Qba'g gel gb or fbzrbar ryfr. Or lbhefrys naq xabj gung gung'f tbbq rabhtu. Qba'g gel gb or fbzrbar ryfr. Qba'g gel gb or yvxr fbzrbar ryfr, qba'g gel gb npg yvxr fbzrbar ryfr, or lbhefrys. Or frpher jvgu lbhefrys. Eryl naq gehfg hcba lbhe bja qrpvfvbaf. Ba lbhe bja oryvrsf. Lbh haqrefgnaq gur guvatf gung V'ir gnhtug lbh. Abg gb qevax nypbuby, abg gb hfr qehtf. Qba'g hfr gung pbpnvar be znevwhnan orpnhfr gung fghss vf uvtuyl nqqvpgvir. Jura crbcyr orpbzr jrrq-urnqf gurl orpbzr fyhttvfu, ynml, fghcvq naq hapbaprearq. Fyhttvfu, ynml, fghcvq naq hapbaprearq. Gung'f nyy znevwhnan qbrf gb lbh, bxnl? Guvf vf zbz. Hayrff lbh'er gnxvat vg haqre qbpgbe'f - hzz- pbageby. Gura vg'f erthyngrq. Qb abg fzbxr znevwhnan, qb abg pbafhzr nypbuby, qb abg trg va gur pne jvgu fbzrbar jub vf varoevngrq
Guvf vf zbz, pnyy zr, olr
oxygen 11 Jan, 2021 @ 2:56am 
chrwis 23 Jan, 2017 @ 10:05pm 
come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:steamsalty:
Quirkland Signature 23 Jan, 2017 @ 10:04pm 
Many college students have gone to college and gotten hooked on drugs, marijuana, and alcohol. Listen, stop trying to be somebody else. Don't try to be someone else. Be yourself and know that that's good enough. Don't try to be someone else. Don't try to be like someone else, don't try to act like someone else, be yourself. Be secure with yourself. Rely and trust upon your own decisions. On your own beliefs. You understand the things that I've taught you. Not to drink alcohol, not to use drugs. Don't use that cocaine or marijuana because that stuff is highly addictive. When people become weed-heads they become sluggish, lazy, stupid and unconcerned. Sluggish, lazy, stupid and unconcerned. That's all marijuana does to you, okay? This is mom. Unless you're taking it under doctor's - umm- control. Then it's regulated. Do not smoke marijuana, do not consume alcohol, do not get in the car with someone who is inebriated
This is mom, call me, bye