iitzSighT | TTV
            Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped                              for ; the evidence of things not seen. "
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| steamname: iitzSighT | TTV
| steam3ID: [U:1:430055460]
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| steamID64: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/profiles/76561198390321188
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adjure 6 Oct, 2023 @ 9:42am 
"that kid is just better stop complaining hes not cheating" https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/devontew23/ , yeah he got banned for cheating :steamthumbsup:
76561199163301596 Trade Banned 19 Sep, 2022 @ 4:38pm 
signed by me :) lets play csgo
76561199162935178 10 Sep, 2022 @ 11:24pm 
. ∧_∧ 
( ºωº )つ━☆・*。
⊂|   |    ・゜+.
 しーJ   °。+ *´¨)
         .• ´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
          (¸.•´ (¸.•'* ☆ 兄弟加我好友 ☆
lucius- 24 Apr, 2022 @ 9:58pm 
Hello idiot. Oh, I'm sorry. I just looked at your profile and I didn't realize you were a lady (and a beautiful one at that). I try my best ti respect women. Especially women in gaming. As a matter of fact now I actually do agree with you. I'm sorry. Maybe you could even add me on PC and we can play some games together. We could play GTA, Overwatch, Minecraft, maybe even a little COD. Add me D$DDY_SEX69. Sorry about my name. My cousin made it a while back. He is not a good person like me and does not carry my values.
lucius- 23 Apr, 2022 @ 2:28pm 
Zontaz 17 May, 2021 @ 11:48am 

code: mastercard on dattdrop