Walking My Cat Named Dog
Isle of Man


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Worker Bees Can Leave. Even Drones Can Fly Away. The Queen Is Their Slave.

Some Religions Of The World

Taoism: **** Happens.
Hinduism: This **** Happened Before.
Buddhism: When **** Happens, Is It Really ****?
Confucianism: Confucius Say "**** Happens".
Protestantism: **** Won't Happen If I Work Harder.
Catholicism: If **** Happens, I Deserve It.
Unitarian: What Is This ****?
Mormon: **** Happens Again, And Again, And Again.
Judaism: Why Does This **** Always Happen To Me?
Rastafarianism: Let's Smoke This ****.

:goodhero:"It was the best of times, :evilhero:it was the worst of times, :demoneye:it was the age of wisdom, :jackofblades:it was the age of foolishness"
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