sctty 30/jun./2022 às 6:26 
+REP xx
Xikky 21/jul./2021 às 1:01 
Change name to "Plays For A Week"
Kenome 3/fev./2018 às 3:50 
Trade Your CS:GO Cases For CS:GO keys! 4 CASE = 1 KEY {LINK REMOVIDO}
AndyPandy 13/dez./2017 às 12:19 
SiKa 13/jun./2017 às 16:20 
Thank you, White Palace. You're a good person.
SiKa 12/jun./2017 às 15:57 
I would like to speak with you.
meatballs 4/mai./2017 às 11:02 
+rep Donated me 2 skyrim cards so I got the badge, :whiterun:
Martyn 26/nov./2016 às 7:21 
Nice VAC:trainbowbarf:
False Ape Accusations 26/abr./2016 às 15:47 
+rep almost not a complete ♥♥♥
Shiro Usagi 24/nov./2015 às 15:05 
+rep gave me his babies while i wizzled in his woozle
meatballs 23/out./2015 às 12:27 
+Rep Nice, Kind, Happy.
meatballs 22/out./2015 às 8:34 
Is the TS down?
VACqua Man 24/ago./2014 às 16:23 
lel learn to n0skop3 fegtz :bomberrat::bomberrat: d34d m4nz hand wut a nub top LEl gUyz:divekick: :hs: :hs: :hs:
Vasto Lorde 8/mai./2014 às 13:02 
He is pro :P

Meow🐾 28/dez./2013 às 3:38 
toromi 29/out./2013 às 14:32 
Why hello there ryan, Its Elro/Elrond ;D Remember moi?