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1 person found this review helpful
23.1 hrs on record (23.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I feel like this game is very punishing when it comes to the combat and equipment, to the point where I'm soft-locked in a grinding loop. I also feel like this game is catering towards the hardcore players, rather than the 90 percent of their player-base.

I'm level 14 in the game and I've lost so much epic / legendary gear because they get broken from damage, I can't repair because items require level 18 and 24. I've spent so much time trying to get gear, and it's demotivating now that they're useless until I hit level 18 to repair. I've tried my best to parry and dodge attacks but it's almost certain that I aggro 3-4 enemies that will stun-lock and repeatedly stab me to death like I'm in the UK.

So now, all of my gear is broken and I have to pull off flawless fights each time or else I will lose money. I barely have any money, so losing money per death + losing your items just adds lime to the wounds. I have my shop at 5-stars and I produce clothing and armor, but they're not good enough to even get to the better gear. I don't know, there's just so many unforgiving points in the game and it feels like I'm getting severely punished for attempting to progress.

Whoever is feeding the developers to make the game more difficult; please stop. I'm trying to progress and enjoy the game, I don't want to spend my free-time feeling like I'm working.
Posted 20 January.
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128.3 hrs on record (57.2 hrs at review time)
Why do multiple of my friends receive a leaver penalty when our loading is at 0% but the internet is completely fine? This made us lose countless ranks and receive queue suspensions (up to an hour), which then our team had to wait to queue together. We're tired of getting leaver penalties for the loading screen. We know that this isn't just our team, it's a lot of people. This is the only penalty in the game that doesn't make any sense or benefit anyone at all. If we get disconnected during the loading screen, just re-queue the affected players, there's absolutely no reason to receive a penalty for trying to queue.
Posted 1 January.
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178.7 hrs on record (17.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
9/10, great sequel to the first game.

I really enjoyed Path of Exile 1's gem socketing; this one is pretty decent. The skill tree is bigger than the first game. Pace of the game is slower, which is perfectly fine. The maps are huge, the loot / exp is more scarce, and the monsters are harder. If people didn't find the last game hard enough, this is somewhat in the sweet spot.

The only negative thing about this game was the stuttering and crashes, even though I meet beyond the recommended requirements to play. I had to switch to Direct X11 to stop frequent crashes and frame drops. Other players had the same issue as well.
Posted 7 December, 2024.
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5.7 hrs on record (3.1 hrs at review time)

1. Fluid mouse controls, your aim goes directly where your mouse moves, most vital to FPS shooters.
2. Gun effects & animations are A-tier. You can really feel the power of the guns.
3. Gun modifications is amazing, probably the best feature in this game.
4. Graphically, it looks great and it runs great. No issues with frame drops, even on the highest settings.

1. Map layout + design is horrible. Ascension and Shafted are probably the worst maps to play on. Not enough cover, cannot flank or advance. I immediately leave matches because of these maps.
2. Gunplay is imbalanced. Spraying and killing with SMGs at sniper distance is crazy. No distance damage fall-off. Time-To-Kill for G3 & several guns are ~2.5x faster than most guns.
3. Stiff diagonal maneuvering: you're slower when moving bidirectional / diagonally (W+A, W+D, etc.). Limiting diagonal movement benefits nobody, and physically, it doesn't make sense why you'd move slower, you're still moving in one direction.

There's a lot of cons I want detail, but they correlate with the horrible map design; such as smoke spam, unbalanced operator abilities, and being punished for trying to "Delta Force" key positions. The 3 cons are the major reasons I don't recommend this game to my friends, they're better off playing games that have these figured out.
Posted 5 December, 2024.
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1.3 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
9/10. Took advice from other reviews to keep the language in Ukrainian and adjust my graphic settings.

I was on the edge of my seat for my play-through. Everything is so unexpected and you're frantically looking around for danger. Very immersive game, it truly is a STALKER game.

I docked 1 point because of the lag. Lag causes your aim accuracy to dwindle, and aim accuracy is very important here. I hope they fix it as soon as possible.

If you just want to try it out, this is on the XBOX game pass, so you can technically play for free.
Posted 21 November, 2024. Last edited 21 November, 2024.
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5.0 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
No, I'm not here to survive all of you. You're all here to survive me.
Posted 2 November, 2024.
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2.1 hrs on record
It's alright, 7/10. Very different from the previous Dragon Age games, I see why the veteran fans don't like it.

Combat is actually smooth for an Action RPG, and this carries the entire game. It's satisfying to parry and land big hits, and the skill tree empowers your gameplay very well. It's actually why I came back to the series after playing Dragon Age Inquisition because I have a small brain for strategies. However, I feel like they should've made a different franchise instead of refactoring Dragon Age into something entirely different.

The story is easy to follow, but the voice acting doesn't match the tone of the game. You can tell from the start that BioWare's woke a** developers found it necessary to add irrelevant details: specifically the character designs. Speaking of which, I spent a lot of time trying to make my character not look like they're constantly mewing or looksmaxxing, so this portion could've been better.

World design is poorly designed. You're given a choice to explore the "open world" at certain points, even though the game progression is entirely linear. Even Call of Duty Blacks Ops 6 has a more convincing open world in their campaign than this, and they're not even an RPG game. There's nothing to explore or gain from walking around in a linear world design.

Lastly, this game uses the Frostbite 1 engine, so there's very little bugs and good optimizations. That's expected when you use the same engine for a franchise. Other reviewers may say otherwise, but I personally haven't seen any Frostbite 1 engine game being poorly optimized. If you doubt this but you're still interested in playing, try the game at least... then refund it and write a negative review if you have significant frame drops.
Posted 1 November, 2024.
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2.4 hrs on record
My game bugged out and broke 3 times
Posted 22 October, 2024.
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1.8 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
My friends and I spent more time fighting over the gold than fighting the monsters.
Posted 11 October, 2024.
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100.4 hrs on record
I learned a lot about efficiency, yet I will never use in real life
Posted 7 October, 2024. Last edited 11 October, 2024.
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