Reddington [Red] 🔴
{if.showname=false}   Antarctica
Let me grab my hat. This should be fun..
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Who am I?
I am a man of many things - a loner who only has associates and no personal relations. Some might even say I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing. I am a Community Support Officer for the Indie game Flashing Lights, Moderator for the Indie game AirportSimulator, Moderator for the Indie game Tornado Research & Rescue and Admin for Heroes Next Door. ⚫️⚪️🔴


"Eat sh!t Martha, the whole block knows your kids f-u-c-k each other."


"If it wasn't for the pills I wouldn't be here"
but if I keep taking these pills I won't be here"


"War knows no nation."


Should've stayed, were there signs, I ignored?
Can I help you, not to hurt, anymore?
We saw brilliance, when the world, was asleep
There are things that we can have, but can't keep


And the shadow of the day
Will embrace the world in grey

And the sun will set for you


Do you collect the souls you've lost
In the top of your dresser drawer
Count the number of tears displaced
On lonely bedroom floors
A machine where your heart once was
Slowly takes the place of you
Only hold the memories now
Of a love I thought I knew
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Review Showcase
27 Hours played
This is the only game that I've been waiting for and excited to release. Frankly, the only modern game I would have pre-ordered had the option been available. I've played a lot of simulators, and AirportSim by far has the best quality. The game is absolutely beautiful and looks like something you'd expect to see from a triple AAA dev, not Indie. In fact, I'd go so far as to say this is probably one of the best looking Indie games we've gotten.

Looks aside, it's obvious that the devs paid attention to detail and game quality. They didn't want to half-ass it, they wanted to go all in. From the beautiful, realistic sounds to some of the game mechanics that we haven't seen before - it's incredible. Worth noting, there's a small group of community members of whom the devs consulted regarding various aspects of ground handling. I truly appreciate developers who involve their community and let them help shape the game to be accurate.

I won't sugar coat, there are bugs and issues, but the developers are doing their absolute best to resolve said issues and are working with the community. Which, that's another thing. The developers are extremely transparent and communicative with the players, which is, in my opinion, the most important thing with games. Developers who actively engage with the community and offer as much information as possible are the ones worth supporting, because they are the ones who truly care - not only about their game, but the community.

Having worked closely with the devs, seeing the love and effort put into it and seeing how responsive they are, I 100% recommend AirportSim. However, I should mention you need a good PC for AirportSim. The game is A LOT more demanding than you'd think for an Indie title.
Depressed Wolfi 28 Oct, 2024 @ 3:52pm 
Very cool dude. Friendly :)
LadyK 11 Nov, 2023 @ 12:12pm 
Just wanted to say "hello"!!! Hope you are doing well!
BushiNeko 20 Mar, 2023 @ 8:16am 
Hey you! Just checking in, something as a friend I do not keep up well. But I am a good enough friend to delete any bad pictures of you I ever had! :CPWintersLaugh: Hope your well.
BushiNeko 28 Jan, 2023 @ 1:52pm 
Red, if you admin a group you can become curator from the group page. I created a group just to become a curator. :) Or just join my group there, I totally would give you curator rights to. We are both long time moderators, and game collecting freaks :D