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기록상 1.9시간
Really promising title as a non-horror game player. I expected more hee-hoo gotcha jumpscares but instead I got something more creepy and dysfunctional than frightening. Yes, I like the raccoon. A lot.
2024년 6월 13일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 1.9시간
Really strong concept, paying homage to the likes of Portal, Super Meat Boy, and Rayman while feeling really fresh and and easy to pick up.
2024년 6월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 3.9시간 (평가 당시 1.8시간)
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(great game, you can get absolutely goofy with the builds)
2024년 4월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 57.4시간 (평가 당시 53.0시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
Linux support is rough as it stands with Unreal games, but Palworld really pushed my machine in strange and interesting ways. I've been hard it, getting stuff like FSR, NVAPI, and various little community-made optimisations going.

At first it just ran bad. To be expected, it's unoptimised and you're basically getting a dev build for what you pay for. You would be fine if you played for a bit then saved, went back to the main menu, and then loaded again. Seems like after a while of playing the game is slacking off and doesn't manage memory properly. I still can't tell if it's GPU or CPU related, but there's more to be said about VRAM in a moment.

After more tuning I was starting to get more consistent performance. Capped my frame rate to 30 to save on frame processing time, and actually got a workaround to replace DLSS with FSR, which is something my 1060 lacked.

Now today as of writing, I ran into a fun new issue. The game was running better than ever. Sure! I'll take the boon. But, why was it running better? Up until now I couldn't see how much VRAM was actually being used until I finally crashed for the first time. 50 hours in, first crash. But the crash was caused by an out of memory error on the graphics pipeline. Oh hell. I have 6GB of VRAM. You mean to tell me it wanted even more? This does make me conclude that at current, Palworld's graphics are its biggest problem and if you wanna play it, seek out the various tricks to wrench down and optimise memory usage.


As for the game itself, it's addicting, sure. It does things no other monster raising RPG has done before, or had a stronger investment toward doing.
At times, Palworld does have moments of being itself. I think the core combat is where that comes from.
You can be tag-teaming a boss with your Pal, trading who's got agro. It could use some more flavour like a more in-depth command system instead of "attack", "attack but only who i'm attacking", and "don't attack ever, even when you're getting hurt".

I'd love to see an option where my Pal could just, lower the enemy's health to as low as it can get without killing it and backing off so I can try to capture. Hints that the Pal combat system is not fully cooked yet and I'll just have to wait for future updates. Fine.

There's also stuff like collecting ammo that's useless until several hours and levels in (such as AR and shotgun ammo), which makes me think we need more middle-tier weapons that can make use of them, even if they're garbage.

The NPC pathing is absolute dog. You need to build a whole parking lot on your base just to make sure the Grinder or Mill has enough space for a water Pal to power them. There's no clear indication whether NPCs of any size can even path to a certain place, and you kind of just need to guess and watch what they do.

Balance changes are needed. The handgun is pointless. Expensive to make ammo for. Makes zero sense to use when the Makeshift is more powerful for cheaper material cost. While we're on it the rifle ammo almost makes sense, but I'd like to produce 10 ammo instead of 5. Or the other way around and have handgun ammo produce 10 rounds.

Otherwise, making use of your Pal party is required to compensate for either a lack of firepower, or ammo. Their ammo is food. Kind of a strange balance, but I wouldn't say no to a change.


There's so much stacked up against this game. Whether it's controversy, the developers being harassed, or just the concept of the game in general. There are those who want to hate this game and see it fail so badly. Maybe even suggest that you play other similar games, made by even smaller devs, even if the gameplay is nothing like it.


Stuff I like.
It's not "X, but messed up", like some have suggested. It's got a medley of game mechanics and aesthetics going on where I'm not sure anymore if it's genuinely "derivative" of its contemporaries more than it is a cute jab to say hey, witness me. It may not even share the same look by its release for all we know.

The Pal designs themselves are fun too. They aren't garish and (not all of them) are designed to be these provocative parody level creatures. It's fresh. Some are really thought through. Yes, I do think there's a couple of Pals that get dangerously close to being a full-fledged parody. Not naming names, but the second or third Pal you see in the game is straight up just a stylised cartoon chicken. ;D


Verdict? All I can say is if you have been eyeing this game, don't feel bad for buying it. Some of you may find it more worth to wait a year when more dev-time has been put in, and I respect it.
For right now, Palworld is what I believe many would call it "feature complete". There's still a lot more PP could do, and much that really needs to get done. But if you're on the fence, this side does have some nice lush grass to sit in. Come on down.
2024년 2월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 7.6시간
I know there's a crowd surrounding the Zachtronics games that are very much into the puzzle aspects rather than the story. Even with Opus Magnum, I've heard that it's less about how the characters in that game interact than it is about making the most efficient designs.

Eliza is the proving ground for the art direction, music, and writing that Zachtronics has, and it delivers really well. For a game written in 2018, it could see pretty clearly into the near future regarding AI-learning, and a lot of the consequences it holds. It doesn't really dig into all our current issues regarding AI, but it does have the old tradition of poking at the ethics behind hoarding data for dubious purposes. It's still a really important story, and I think more people should bring it up to light. Pick it apart. At the very least, give it a go yourself.
2024년 2월 2일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 0.1시간
I played this without audio because there's only one kind of music that can be played during this Video Game Experience by critically acclaimed video game developer VLAMBEER.
2024년 1월 10일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 25.6시간 (평가 당시 19.3시간)
This will make you earn respect for it. It has just the right amount of tech and jankery to play with that you can discover a heap of solutions to an identical problem.
It reminds me how much I love platformers. For a "bite-sized" metroidvania, I don't feel the length is terribly short if you're going in blind. Discovery is the name of the game here and by the end, you will learn most of the techniques and you'll probably end up wanting to speedrun the game. Or modding it.

My only real concern was an inconsistency with wall kicks, which makes trying to go for a totally possible ledge grab impossible. Until I learned to cancel the sun greaves, auto-bouncing off the close part of a ledge and then falling isn't all that fun. It's fine after you learn to cancel it, but there's also no cue to say that the greaves are active. Half the time I'm double pressing A just to have an effective double-jump, so the greaves are active pretty often.
Otherwise, nah. You can get used to it. It's just different and unexpected how it works.
2024년 1월 3일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 21.2시간 (평가 당시 11.6시간)
So keep this in mind: This game's message is important. It's not just pro-union but like, there's ideas like losing the ownership of your own genome, being stripped of identity and rights because you technically aren't even human anymore, and your finances are entirely controlled/owned by your employer. You're not just company property - you're a piece of equipment.

But look, I'm presented with an opportunity to leave my life on Earth behind (albeit for the low-low price of $1.2 billion dollars), plus I get what appears to be a nicer home in space. What you get is signing your life away on purpose for an admittedly cushy job in an otherwise miserable world to live in, and debt becomes meaningless as your employer ultimately fronts the cost of making you deathproof. They hired you at a loss.
Know that I'm supposed to pretend that it's a gruelling work day or something; problem is that I'm asked to work for only 15 minutes a day, with the in-lore excuse that space radiation is killing me at a rate where only that amount of time is allowed. I think this is a bit flawed.

If I had it my way every four of the shifts would equal one actual day to make it feel substantial. In fact, you don't even have a day counter. The idea that your day is over just for leaving the work site is, kinda silly? Not having the store handy while in your HAB just to plan around having your equipment ready, or having to artificially suffer for it is too.

If you wanna play a game about a dangerous job with no pay and zero safety oversight, Vicera Cleanup Detail is probably a good alternative.

Otherwise, you can play this game on Open Shift mode. You'll enjoy it a lot more. And yes, it still gets in the way of the story, laughably. I like Weaver, I like Lou, Hal is delightfully self-unaware, and the other characters exist. Although I think the story often gets in the way of itself. It's a sin in the current day to have unskippable dialogue, double for what is essentially Visual Novel presentation.

I'm conflicted; I do really love this game, but I'm having to roleplay a bit to get what I want out of it.

To the devs: If you ever make a sequel, try to avoid going so ham on some of the lore details and just let the player fill in the gaps themselves.
2023년 12월 25일에 게시되었습니다. 2023년 12월 26일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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4명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
기록상 0.1시간
Blizzard wasted everyone's time building some sort of big IP, only to squander it.
You saw every controversy imaginable. Through every nerf, buff, rework-over-rework,
and an otherwise restructuring of your game, and yet you spun in circles for SIX YEARS.
Now I get to say it. You failed, Blizzard.
I'm sorry for many of your staff, who dealt with bad management and bad actors - and still stuck around to make this.
I don't want to play your game. I've already sunk hundreds of hours in,
only to get a "thanks for playing" and a unceremonious end of an era, and all the memories that came with it.
2023년 8월 10일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 81.5시간 (평가 당시 46.3시간)
Absolutely worth supporting this game. Closest I've ever gotten to visiting a fur con.
2023년 5월 7일에 게시되었습니다.
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