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1,558 people found this review helpful
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1,248.2 hrs on record (1,241.7 hrs at review time)
A) Look at my hours played.

B) Please upvote this if you found it helpful (I want people to see this, I don't care about cred).

1) coop is fake, only the host player gets quest progression credit when you join their game. so you need to progress the story in both players' games (i.e. play twice). Also there is zero PVP.

2) game relies way to much on "loss of control of character" mechanics during combat: 1 second staggers, 2 seconds sliding on the ground, getting face-grabbed every two minutes, etc. like, STOP WASTING MY TIME. stop preventing me from playing.

3) it's unbearably grindy for a single-player game, even from the start, you are grinding for tokens of some kind at every level of the game. it's like wow used to be. but it's single player.

4) end game consists of fetch or kill quest bounties that largely involve you running around waiting for a dynamic event/npc to spawn so that you can kill it 10 times. then the game makes you wait five minutes between spawns. it's beyond boring.

5) the clothes/gear have random stats, so you spend weeks farming new gear hoping to get the "correct" stats... AND THEN TECHLAND RE-ROLLS THE STATS ON ALL YOUR CAREFULLY CURATED GEAR WHEN A NEW PATCH COMES OUT!

6) combat used to be the best part, but now it's spongy, plus they renewed their emphasis on stamina (i.e. 5 swings and you have to wait for your stamina to regen), zombies take multiple bullets to the head without dying, etc.

7) they are constantly tweaking numbers behind the scenes. "rebalancing" in a single player game, lol. for instance making zombies take 4 hits to kill even though your end-game weapon does more damage than their entire health pool.

8) story is unbelievably bland, the characters (including you) say and do things that nobody ever would in real life, annoying boss babe female love interest character, villain that is hard to believe, etc.

9) dialog choices in cut-scenes rarely matter, it's just something to click on to give the illusion of affecting the storyline. there are only a few that matter, and their consequences are so vast that you want to google them in advance, thus spoiling the story for yourself. i locked my game out of accessing the entire southern portion of the map and it's unique enemies. because i didn't google it in advance. because i noticed that the choices don't matter. Oh, and there are missable steam achievements because of collectibles you can't obtain because you were locked out of the area where they reside.

10) the game just generally doesn't respect your time, uses time-gates to artificially inflate it's "play time" advertised, and all the rewards for the tokens you grind are underwhelming. and trust me, if they're not, they WILL nerf them to be. there are tons of glitches, missions don't register as complete so you are stuck in the mission sandbox, falling through the world sometimes after completing an event, bounty objectives sometimes don't register, etc.

techland won't dev-respond to this review because they know it's true and there's no good way to respond to it. the only part that is subjective is my take (everyone's take) on the story. every other point is objectively true and buying this game is like throwing your time in the trash. forget the money. it will waste your time. and most of that will be in frustration. respect your time. don't get sucked into this hole like i did. don't be a sucker like i was.

Upvote this.

People need to see it. I don't care about e-points. I just want to stop people from losing to this boss.

EDIT: to all the people asking about my hours played:

i have two monitors and i chug a lot of youtube on the other monitor. i just need something for my hands to do while i am watching commentaries and such.

i also have 1000+ hours in dying light 1, and that was actually a joy. i just literally ran out of everything to do in DL1.

i also have 1000+ hours in skyrim. but again, i ran out of things to do (trust me, i 100%'d that game) i'd still play it today if there was anything left.

the difference between those games and DL2 is that those games provided "content". this one provides grinds. and yeah, that's something to do. so i grinded gear for myself and my three friends to use on NG+ when they finally fix coop crossplay. supposed to be this patch. but instead they rerolled the targeted stats on all the gear i farmed (hundreds of hours lost) and added another new time-gated token grind for new gear. another single player token grind.

i give up, man. i give up. i'll go put 1000 hours into something new. this game just doesn't respect your time.

EDIT 2: to those saying i have no life, i work in construction and furthermore i don't want a life if that means going to a bar or any other place interacting with horrible people, or whatever. i just want to educate myself on videos about nutrition, politics, and other things that interest me (while i play some game).
Posted 24 February, 2024. Last edited 7 March, 2024.
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7 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
67.1 hrs on record (67.1 hrs at review time)
most of the reviews here say the game's biggest flaw is bland gameplay, but in the 90s and early 2000's this game would have been considered a great game.

if you are trying to chew through a youtube backlog on the other monitor and need something to do with your hands to keep your brain engaged (but not distracted from the other monitor), this game is absolutely perfect. i mean, look at how many hours i have on record.

this game was thoroughly useful and enjoyable for me for that purpose. i went through 67 hours of youtube backlog with this game, until finally i had nothing left in the game to achieve/score, and had to move on to the next game. then i promptly uninstalled. let me know if you beat my top score, since i can't see that anymore.
Posted 13 October, 2020.
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