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Скорошни рецензии на (PCA) Slim Nerdy C

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3.6 изиграни часа (3.6 часа по време на рецензията)
Haunting, beautiful, and deeply intruiging, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a premiere example of how video games can use atmosphere, a great premise, and interesting gameplay to transcend the story-telling abilities of other mediums. The game is a slow-paced, investigative adventure that centers around narrative and puzzle solving. I was never bored during my playthrough, and rarely was I annoyed or frustrated with the puzzles. The game tells you right at the beginning that it won't hold your hand, and while this is true, it also feels correct. The game is not overly challenging, so the lack of aid or hints allows the player to move at their own pace. I highly recommend this game for players who enjoy discovering a well told story in a beautifully designed (albeit creepy) world.
Публикувана 25 юни 2016.
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3.8 изиграни часа
I picked up this game after seeing someone play the first 15 minutes or so, because it looked like a pretty interesting game. I anticipated I would enjoy it, but that it wouldn't be one of those games that I never forget. I was dead wrong.

Unlike most memorable games, Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons will not be remembered for incredible gameplay. In fact, the gameplay isn't all that great. The fairly unique mechanic of controlling 2 different characters is cool, but the 'cool factor' wears off, and the puzzles are all fairly straight forward, and mildy repetitive. The game is not difficult to complete - most gamers will be able to finish it is 2-3 hours no problem. However, what makes this game so memorable is the storytelling. The story of these two boys is deeply emotional, and something everyone can relate to. While playing the game, it is easy to become completely immersed in the characters, and this is used a great effect throughout the game to make you feel terror, sadness, love, and more.

Another brilliant part of this game is the artwork. Throughout the game there are benches that the player can sit on. If you do, the camera will align to a view of the current scene. Each of these feel like a beautifully crafted piece of artwork, and effectively reflects the mood of the current chapter of the game.

The creators of the game made a great choice when they told the story through a fantasy lens. While many of the settings and characters are highly unrealistic, their motives, actions, and feelings could not seem more real. Sitting back and reflecting on the game after playing it was just as interesting for me as playing the game. Drawing the parallels between the game and real life is fascinating.

There are two particular moments that stand out as the best moments in the game for me. However, I do not want to spoil any of these moments for those who haven't yet played the game. If you have not played the game, please skip to the next paragraph, as these spoilers could ruin the effect he game has on you while you play. The first moment is when you bury your brother. The game doesn't just force you to watch your brother die, it forces you to bury him. It is an incredibly emotional experience, and one that I will never forget. The second moment is when you, the little brother, walk through the water by yourself. Throughout the game, we have seen the little brother's fear of water, and being forced to walk through it, in this moment of total vulnerability from losing your brother, is a powerful struggle. These two moment are definitely not fun moments, but they are (good examples of) what make this game so memorable.

I highly, highly recommend this game for anyone who enjoys being immersed in a game, and enjoys powerful storytelling. If all you are looking for is fun gameplay, this is probably not the game for you.
Публикувана 11 ноември 2014. Последно редактирана 11 юли 2015.
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