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総プレイ時間:124.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:101.8時間)
* This review is under Alpha-24c PC 31 Aug, 2014 version

Ultimate fun and addictive game imo.
Prison management is not that easy in this game. Build a nice prison and intake more prisoner and build a bigger prison. Prison Architect provide a lot of feature to play. You can build Holding Cell or Personal Cell even Solitery Cell, depoly guards, dogs and army, build a infarmy facility, construct the CCTV monitor network with remote control doors, teach your prisoners in classroom with reform program and give them works to do, and much more fun in Prison Architect!
The most imoportant thing is that Prison Architect provide features to buy adjacency lands to expand your jail. And you can even sell you jail for some funds to build the next jail with better start facilities! Last but not least, Prison Architect support Steam Workshop, give this game infinte possibility!
If you like Strategy, Building, Managing game, you must try Prison Architect!

+ Addictive gameplay.
+ Simple but nice looking graphic design.
+ "Grants" gives you short term goals and challenges and rewards.
+ Various facilities to build and management.
+ Logic Circuits!
+ Detail reports to view and manage the whole jail and all prisoners.
+ Lots of events and works in all time.
+ Mods and Steam Workshop support! (language mod included!)

- Still in Early Access, so obviously there's some bugs.
- Not very smart routing AI, workers or prisoners sometimes stuck or do nothing.
- Seldom game crash with no reason. (About 2 times in my first 18 hours, 3 times in first 44 hours)
- Few hotkeys, only WASD / QE / 123 / Space / -= for camera movement / zoom in and out / time speed control / pause / UI size respectively.
- Some items have not implemented or not fully functional right now, such as Brick Wall and Concreate Wall only differ from appearence, Execution Room is no use other than introduction, windows do nothing, etc.
- Bad tutorial and few in-game info. You need to dig out and learn lots of things fron Official Wiki, Wikia and Google by yourself.

The first time I played this game was so addicted and when I noticed that it's been 18 hours passed...

* 這篇是Alpha-24c PC 2014.08.31版本的評論

遊戲中管理監獄不像想像中的簡單,要蓋個好監獄、收更多犯人、然後蓋更大的監獄,Prison Architect提供大量的遊戲內容與功能,你可以蓋集中牢房、個人牢房、重犯牢房等,部屬警衛、警犬、重裝警衛等,建造醫療中心,搭配遠端遙控門禁系統建構CCTV閉路監視系統網路,透過再造計畫課程教導更生人生活技能並給他們工作協助監獄運作,還有更多有趣好玩的內容!
更重要的是Prison Architect提供購買鄰近土地的功能,讓你能持續擴張你的監獄規模,甚至能讓你販售你的監獄,讓下次開新局的起首資金更多!此外,Prison Architect也支援Steam工作坊,提供了無限的可能性!
如果你喜歡策略、建造、管理的遊戲,一定要試試看Prison Architect!

+ 讓人沉迷的遊戲內容。
+ 簡單卻精緻好看的美術設計。
+ 有短期目標與挑戰提供發展資金。
+ 多樣的監獄設施可建造管理。
+ 有邏輯電路!
+ 詳細的報告內容可以一覽監獄和囚犯狀態。
+ 隨時都有豐富多樣的事件和工作發生。
+ 支援模組和Steam工作坊!(包含語言包模組!)

- 仍然是Aplha測試階段,有一些明顯的Bug。
- 尋路AI有點蠢,工人和犯人偶爾會卡住不動。
- 遊戲有時候莫名其妙當機崩潰。(我玩了18小時大概崩潰兩次,44小時大約3次)
- 熱鍵很少,只有WASD / QE / 123 / 空白鍵 / -= 分別控制 鏡頭 / 縮放 / 遊戲速度 / 暫停 / 介面大小。
- 有些東西目前還沒實作或是沒功能,例如磚牆和水泥牆只有外觀的差異,行刑室除了教學模式以外沒用處,窗戶沒有任何狀態效果,等等。
- 很爛的教學,遊戲內的資訊有點少,你必須要翻翻官方Wiki、Wikia和Google來了解更細節的說明。



投稿日 2014年9月11日. 最終更新日 2015年7月1日
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4 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:9.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:5.7時間)
Awesome open-world driving/racing game. The same developer as NFS: HP, MW and Rivals. You can challenge your driving skills in Paradise City with lots of different kinds of cars, even bikes! 6 different boost systems give you lots of fun. If you like free roaming in open world and racing game, you should try Burnout Paradise.

讚讚的開放世界賽車遊戲,與極速快感: 超熱力追緝、新全民公敵、生存競速的開發商是同一個,你可以載天堂市挑戰你的駕駛技術,不但有各種車子還有機車!六種不同的加速系統非常有趣,如果你喜歡在開放世界晃晃、又喜歡賽車遊戲,那你一定要試試看Burnout Paradise。
投稿日 2014年9月5日.
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15 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:7.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:7.2時間)
Mark of the Ninja is an awesome stealth-puzzle-platformer game. Use the special technique and stealth movement to get pass through all the traps and enemies and find the truth. Great graphic and music with nice story and cool movement.

+Awesome stealth techniques and ways to win
+Nice graphic and music create nice atmosphere
+Comic style graphic
+Tense story about ninja
+Full controller support and fluent input settings

You can choose how to make through the situation at most of the time. Stay stealth or go loud is all your choices. This is really a nice platformer.

Mark of the Ninja 是一個很讚的潛行解謎2D平台遊戲,利用忍者的特殊技能與匿蹤行動,穿越陷阱打敗敵人找尋故事的真相,遊戲有很棒的美式漫畫風格與音樂,還有很棒的故事與流暢的操作。


投稿日 2014年8月18日. 最終更新日 2014年12月23日
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43 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:14.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:8.3時間)
Nice and addictive puzzle indie game. Easy to get started but hard to master.

+Simple and clean UI
+Random map and gameplay
+Real world city maps
+Leaderboards to compete with friends
+There's "Taiwan Traditional Chinese" language option!


投稿日 2014年8月11日.
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41 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:52.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:19.0時間)
Awesome top-down shooter space game! Free space to fly with highly customizable spacecraft. Lots of tech-tree skills to upgrade and tons of weapons, ship components, hull to discover. Gorgeous graphic makes combat seem so cool!
Definitely a masterpiece for a 2-man work!

Generally review:
+Gorgeous graphic
+Random generated space system and events
+Highly customizable space ship
+Various skill trees
+Command a whole fleet with tactical view
+Fractions, and more, such as zombies and bounty hunters



投稿日 2014年8月9日. 最終更新日 2014年8月9日
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26 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
Yet another space shooting game masterpiece. Awesome graphics and cool effects, various type of ships and weapons, highly customizable spacecraft. Just feeling lots of fun while playing.
The game options are very detailed. Support keyboard/mouse or gamepad input. And there's single and multiplayer mode. Story in campaign is interesting and humorous.
Generally speaking, this is definitely a great game which has nice graphics and rich content worth to play. Recommended!

投稿日 2014年8月4日.
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10 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
Project Cyber = 3v3 sci-fi soccer game. Due to Early Access, lots of features are not avaliable yet. Generally speaking it's not bad, various characters with different skills makes game more fun. And the comic-style graphic is so awesome and cool!

Project Cyber = 3v3科幻足球遊戲,因為還在開發中,很多功能都還不太完善 ,整體來說還算不錯,有許多角色搭配不同的技能,讓遊戲變得更加多元豐富,而卡通風格的畫質看起來又讚又酷!
投稿日 2014年8月2日.
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10 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:3.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.8時間)
You are an onboard AI of a combat suit. You and the pilot of this combat suit was crashed and fell on an unknow planet. The pilot is heavily hurt and unconscious. You have to find a way or a medical facility to save your pilot.
The game combines puzzle solving and side-scroller action. Sci-fi world and dark environment is so unique with an addictive story. Recommanded!

投稿日 2014年7月31日.
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45 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
総プレイ時間:288.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:143.2時間)
Best MOBA game ever. Although it's not easy to learn at first, DOTA2 has various elements which a MOBA game should have. Totally outstanding and addictive.

投稿日 2014年7月29日. 最終更新日 2014年8月11日
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