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0.2 hrs last two weeks / 2,699.0 hrs on record (49.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 13 Jul, 2015 @ 10:48pm
Updated: 13 Jul, 2015 @ 10:56pm

This is a review based on 1.3 PowerPlay.

First of all, I love space and futuristic game. Elite: Dangerous is quite a nice space game with lots of potential. What I mean is that, currently this game is nice, beautiful and good to play at the beginning, but there are some mechanisms not completed yet or need some improvement.

+Gorgeous graphic and beautiful universe.
+Nice navigation design. Normal flight, supercruise and hyperspace.
+Immersive UI design with easy hotkeys. You can easily switching to left or right panel with single click, or just stare to open the panels if you have VR such as Oculus Rift.
+Nice Universal Cartographics. Very easy to navigate and very informative.
+Random signatures give more unsure possibilities to your flight.
+Decent background music and AI voice.
+Persistance Universe is very cool. Game time sync with real time, A.C.2014 as A.C.3300. Makes you feel like living in that universe.
+P2P + Server-Client connection mechanism creates a no lag MMO experience.
+Really nice optimization. Currently the game only need 5.5GB harddisk space. And about 800MB RAM while running.

-Few ships design. Currently only 20 flyable ships and some ships have quite similar appearence. i.g. Sidewinder, Cobra MKIII and ASP Exploerer.
-Few space station / starport design. Currently only 1 type for small station, and 3 types for large station with all the same interior design.
-PowerPlay makes no sense in some place. i.g. Zachary Hudson controls tons of Federation systems with Independent capital?
-Lots of missions but most of them are low profit. If you want to make money, illegal and smuggling is the only way to make money fast.
-No or few coop/team mission. Team play is very weak, mostly single player missions in the universe now. So does PvP.
-Poor training tutorials. They help you to understand how to fly the ship, but not telling you how to get started, even no UI instruction.
-There's no mechanism for player to own multiple ships. You can only fly one ship at a time, and all your other ships can only park at the shipyard and do nothing. (X series can remotely control your ships to trade or fly to station.)

It's really fun at the beginning. But you'll gradually find that the ships and the stations are all the same, and the multiplayer is not completed. MMO gameplay with Persistance Universe, Elite: Dangerous could do more than this. Lots of potential for Elite: Dangerous and it needs some little tweaks.

Generally speaking, Elite: Dangerous is a nice game if you like space and futuristic game. I believe it'll be even more completed with the upcoming patch in the furture.

這是對 1.3 PowerPlay 版本的簡評。

首先,我喜歡宇宙和未來設定的遊戲。Elite: Dangerous 是一款富有潛力的太空遊戲,我的意思是目前遊戲整體玩起來還算不錯,非常漂亮又有趣,但有些地方感覺尚未完成或是仍待改進。

+融入感強烈的介面設計以及方便的快速鍵,你可以按一個按鈕就輕鬆切換左右面板,或是如果你有VR顯示器,例如Oculus Rift,也可以盯著適當的位置自動開啟面板。
+P2P + Server-Client 的連線設計提供一個不會lag的MMO多人連線體驗。

-星艦設計貧乏,目前整個遊戲只有20艘可飛行的船艦,而且很多船艦外觀看起來十分雷同,例如Sidewinder、Cobra MKIII、ASP Explorer。
-PowerPlay有些設計不合邏輯,例如Zachary Hudson的母星系是獨立星盟(Independent),但他統治的領土幾乎都是聯邦(Federation)的星系?

一開始的時候的確很有趣,但隨著遊玩你會漸漸發現船艦和太空站怎麼看起來都好像,而且多人遊戲的部分感覺也不夠完整,MMO多人連線加上永恆宇宙的設計,應該可以做出更多的變化,Elite: Dangerous還有很多潛力並需要一些調整。

整體來說,如果你喜歡宇宙和未來的設定,Elite: Dangerous是一款不錯的遊戲,我相信在未來的更新中會慢慢的讓遊戲更完整。
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mike29tw 15 Jul, 2015 @ 10:17am 

不過同意你多數的看法,很棒的review :)
Howar31 15 Jul, 2015 @ 8:16am 

Coriolis (十面體) - 15S/18M/9L 共計42個機坪
Orbis (環狀) - 15S/18M/9L 共計42個機坪
Ocellus (眼球形) - 15S/18M/9L 共計42個機坪
Outpost (小型太空站) - 2S/1M/0L (民用) 4S/1M/0L (工業用) 共計3/5個機坪

前三個是大型太空站 (Starport) ,第四個是小型太空站 (Outpost)

有些太空站會有額外裝備衍生型,例如 Coriollis 外加支柱、 Ocellus 外加太陽能板模組等等,但基本原型還是只有四種

希望未來更新可以更豐富太空站種類,整個太空只有四種太空站太少啦!比 X Universe 的還要少... :cry:
mike29tw 15 Jul, 2015 @ 7:10am 
其實太空站樣貌很多,光是Orbis 類型的就有分別,有些只有一圈居住環,有些有兩圈,有些則根本沒有;Outpost也會隨類型有不同的長相;太空站內部我倒是只有看過兩種,第二種比較少見,在Empire跟Alliance首都才看到過
Howar31 14 Jul, 2015 @ 12:26am 
Elite 跟 Star Citizen 是同類型遊戲,兩者是好朋友! :bite:
目前感覺 Elite 只有飛行部分,玩家無法下船,但官方說之後更新會增加登陸、FPS射擊等等部分,而 Star Citizen 也還沒做出來,所以詳細也無法比較 :speak:
/>yummypixza_ 14 Jul, 2015 @ 12:13am 
Elite 跟 StarCitizen 在 gameplay 方面有什麼不一樣的地方嗎? 看畫面跟介面還搞混滿多次的 @@
[RIP]HY 13 Jul, 2015 @ 11:41pm 