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Locked In 28 Oct, 2020 @ 5:38pm 
A girl....AND a gamer? Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! eyes pop out AROOOOOOOOGA! jaw drops tongue rolls out WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF
BeuSS 28 Mar, 2018 @ 5:42pm 
C.Bale 13 Mar, 2018 @ 7:29pm 
I made a short list of things you should focus on to get better: - Start the round going for safe picks/contesting choke points in a way where the peak is to your advantage (do not over-peak/overcommit to the peak, just ensuring we maintain map control early). - Fall back and hold for pushes trying to understand where their site anchors are and how they are rotating. - Every map has two main choke points where you need someone to contest random pushes - After establishing a feel for rotations, start to challenge map control and work toward taking a site (We want to do our best to limit the opponent’s information. Shy away from forcing the issue into a crossfire. We want to catch their rotators off guard. The goal of the round should be to isolate a player, get a pick, reset and pinch a site). - After you’ve gained your information, you decide what you want to do. There are strategies for developing and forcing predictable behaviour in the opposing team. You wa
Locked In 14 Nov, 2017 @ 12:13pm 
Th€ int€nt i$ to provid€ pla¥€r$ with a $€n$€ of prid€ and a¢¢ompli$hm€nt for unlo¢king diff€r€nt h€ro€$. A$ for ¢o$t, w€ $€l€¢t€d initial valu€$ ba$€d upon data from th€ Op€n B€ta and oth€r adju$tm€nt$ mad€ to mil€$ton€ r€ward$ b€for€ laun¢h. Among oth€r thing$, w€'r€ looking at av€rag€ p€r-pla¥€r ¢r€dit €arn rat€$ on a dail¥ ba$i$, and w€'ll b€ making ¢on$tant adju$tm€nt$ to €n$ur€ that pla¥€r$ hav€ ¢hall€ng€$ that ar€ ¢omp€lling, r€warding, and of ¢our$€ attainabl€ via gam€pla¥. W€ appr€¢iat€ th€ ¢andid f€€dba¢k, and th€ pa$$ion th€ ¢ommunit¥ ha$ put forth around th€ ¢urr€nt topi¢$ h€r€ on R€ddit, our forum$ and a¢ro$$ num€rou$ $o¢ial m€dia outl€t$. Our t€am will ¢ontinu€ to mak€ ¢hang€$ and monitor ¢ommunit¥ f€€dba¢k and updat€ €v€r¥on€ a$ $oon and a$ oft€n a$ w€ ¢an.
Locked In 17 Jan, 2017 @ 9:28am 
Reported. Called the cops, called the Fire Department, called pizza hut, called the Royal Navy, called the Red Army, called the FBI. called the CIA, called Interpol, called Scotland Yard, called the US National Guard of every state, called Obama, called the Queen, called Putin, called every phone sexline, called papa john’s, called the Pope, called my local Gang lords,called all of my local news channels, called Vince McMahon, called Valve, called CNN, called the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force, called every free mason, called bilderberg, called my neighbors, called the mayor of every city in France, and called every school district in Canada.
C.Bale 26 Jun, 2016 @ 7:00am 
G2 all of a sudden is the best team in the world? suspicious? na, i'm just silver.(lmaooo) it's obvious as it can get, yesterday shox was cheating vs liquid on cobble, got locked on a liquid player, turned off and lost the map, then on nuke, when they started to lose, he turned on again and all of a sudden again they knew all the enemys positions and right timing to appear, like one play of scream, liquid player was holding a spot for like 10 hours, then liquid player goes away and scream peeks, suspicious? na, im silver.
another one play: jdm was holding secret with awp, t's rushed outside without knowing that he was there(or pretending that they didn't know), and they avoided secret, why? they knew that jdm was there waiting with awp, and if they were going secret they would get rekt. who the ♥♥♥♥ is noob enough to not go secret if no one is there, and go right inside, where there are 3 players? most rigged game of all time, and valve keeps closing eyes to this ♥♥♥♥.