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Опубликовано: 24 фев. 2023 г. в 13:31

Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
i think personally the game was more of a remaster than a sequel, it runs poorly, i think they added enough and changed some mechanics to make it just above that baseline to say "its just a remake" and if they add the content they say theyre going to then itll be WAY better, but at its current state if you pay $50 for this game you will regret it, the "wobble" from KSP 1 that took them years to optimize and fix is back and about 3x worse, any rocket over 50 parts tanks the FPS down to like 5 max and in pre release builds they were doing 80+ part rockets, the game is missing a lot of promised parts and feautures (the devs did say that a lot of it would be added after early access and released a road map showing their intended update path) but other than that the game is very solid
I personally have enjoyed myself playing it for the 5ish hours i have in it already, they changed enough that it feels new and the graphics and sound design are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazing
but the terrible performance and rampant bugs have pissed me off enough that i wont be playing anymore until i see some updates

TLDR - Needs some TLC before its worth $50 but if you can handle the bugs worth it IMO
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