Heros   Karlsruhe, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
This is my only LEVEL 440 Account - Speedrun Profile [www.speedrun.com] :BSheart:
GOKZ Profile [kzgo.eu] :Jump1:
Currently Online
Unbelievably Important Infobox! (Updated 08.01.2025)
My account got compromised recently, feel free to add me again.

:level_completedSD: Steam Level #130 :ab_germanflag:

:lionsden: Always watch out for scammers! It does not mean that all people in my friendslist are legit just because I'm friends with them, this counts also for people's profiles I've signed!

:greysuit: Feel free to post anything on my profile that you think i should know about or just want to tell me something, you can spread out your heart in the comment section, no matter what it is! I'm always happy, if I receive comments :sfsmug:

:sandwich: Trade Offers and Donations!
:nuker: All trades are final

:joeyhat: Steam DB [steamdb.info]

Personal Stuff

:killenemy: Name: Heros
:killenemy: Birthday: 27.12.1999 (See below)
:killenemy: Age: 25 (See above)
:killenemy: Height: 1.75m
:killenemy: Gender: Male
:killenemy: Nationality: German
:killenemy: Languages: German, English
:killenemy: Sexual Orientation: Hetero (sry boys)

Social Stuff

:icon: I do Sign profiles, If requested
:icon: PREVIEW: :killenemy: Signed by Heros5k :killenemy:
:icon: Make sure you're in my Community Group when requesting a Sign!

Tournament History

:ucscompass: #1 OPERATION SCHWEINEAIMCUP - GuteLauneTeam (Screa | Sui | ACTiV | ShotForFun | Heros5k)

Social Pages [linktr.ee]

:missioncount: My Steam Community
:missioncount: YouTube
:missioncount: Twitch: Heros5k
:missioncount: Instagram [www.instagram.com]
:missioncount: Twitter (Since Oct. 2011)
:missioncount: Spotify Playlist [play.spotify.com]
:missioncount: Oldschool Spotify Playlist [open.spotify.com]
:missioncount: Snapchat: Heros5k

Gaming Related
Other Clients and Game Profiles

:CosmicCoin: Battle.net : Heros5k#2141
:CosmicCoin: Origin: Heros5k
:CosmicCoin: Bethesda: Heros5k
:CosmicCoin: Uplay: Tryhard5k
:CosmicCoin: Epic Games: Heros5k
:CosmicCoin: Riot: Heros5k#1337

:p2aperture: Osu! Profile [osu.ppy.sh]

PC Specs & Equipment

:fod2star: Mainboard: MPG B650 CARBON WIFI
:fod2star: CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7800x3D
:fod2star: GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 4060 TI
:fod2star: RAM: 32GB (2x 16GB) DDR5

:TakeMe: Keyboard: HyperX Alloy Origins
:TakeMe: Monitor: BenQ Zowie XL2546K | EIZO Foris FG2421 (2nd)
:TakeMe: Headphones: Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro
:TakeMe: Mouse: Logitech G Pro Wireless


:apothekineticist: Lowest Matchmaking Rank: Gold Nova II
:apothekineticist: First Matchmaking Rank: Gold Nova II
:apothekineticist: Highest Matchmaking Rank: The Global Elite
:apothekineticist: Current Matchmaking Rank: The Global Elite

:forgician: History of Ranks before achieving The Global Elite: (Bravo) gn2, gn3, gnm, gn3, gnm, gn3, gnm, mg1, mg2, mg1, mg2, mge, mg2, mge, mg2, mg1, mg2, mge, mg2, mge, dmg, mge, mg2, mg1, mg2, mg1, mg2, mg1, mg2, mge, mg2, mg1, mg2, mg1, mg2, mge, mg2, mge, dmg, le, dmg, le, lem, smfc, Unranked, lem, Unranked, le, Unranked, le, lem, smfc, GE, (Wildfire)

:penny: Reached The Global Elite 7th September 18:56 2015, at the 300th Matchmaking Win

Alternate CSGO Related Profiles

:rune: ESEA [play.esea.net]
:rune: FACEIT [www.faceit.com]
:rune: CME [www.cme.gg]
:rune: CEVO [cevo.com]
:rune: ESL [play.eslgaming.com]


:ai_flare: Current Level: 10
:ai_flare: Current/Peaked ELO - Country Rank: 2736/2789 - :f_germany: 1497/494
:The_Green_Crate_: Reached Level 10 with 94 Matches
:bot_aim: Matches: 408

R6 Siege

:Saturnalia: Burnt Horizon - Gold III :goldengear: 2725 MMR
:vbox: Phantom Sight - Platinum II :starplatinum: 3606 MMR
:Neptunes_Trident: Ember Rise - Platinum III :starplatinum: 3486 MMR
:Jupiters_Might: Shifting Tides - Platinum I :starplatinum: 4039 MMR
:The_Moon: Void Edge - Platinum II :starplatinum: 3747 MMR
:Skz: Steel Wave - Platinum III :starplatinum: 3292 MMR
:lgreen: Shadow Legacy - Platinum II :starplatinum: 3689 MMR
:fhattacker: Neon Dawn - Platinum III :starplatinum: 3560 MMR
:stay_on_target: Crimson Heist - Platinum II :starplatinum: 3758 MMR


:greenspiral: Beta Peak Rank: Immortal 2
:vasari: Ignition: Act I - Immortal 3 :HorusVII:
:vasari: Ignition: Act II - Immortal 1 :HorusVII:
Workshop Showcase
This is a Trophy! The resulting, when I got this Rank. And confirms that at present this is my real rank. Series "CS:GO RANKs". I hope you like, I try to do something new and interesting. Download Full HD Resolution images you can here Thanks a lot for the
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Created by - SerQ 🔥
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531 Hours played
Even though it is a really old game, it's always fun to play. It's the basis for most of the shooters out there, and a basis for modding. It's something you can play 24/7 and it never gets boring, ever. It has one of the best communities out there and of course - if Half-Life didn't exist, Counter-Strike wouldn't be :)

Also: PlayAG
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:heartgr::heartgold::BSheart::BR_Heart::8bitheart::cwd_heart::bheart::lifeheart::heartris::em_heart::heartdead::hearty::heartyou::ironheart::aztecs_heart::enemyheart::jhheart::heart1::hearthamulet::revheart::cleanheart::hearth1::16bitheart::heart_emo::SYMSheart::elizaheart::loh_heart::heartpix::2017catheart::vs_heart::vheart::luv::rheartr::heart_me::savedlife::lovetalia::mylove::speech_love::lovepatch99::bearlove::lovebeer::twl_health::aahealth::HPBoot::PulseG::rejuvenationrelic::wnheart::cchearts::Heart_m::TreepileHeart::metallove::rd_love::BlStar: :orwell_relationship: :nekoheart:
Favorite Guide
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Knife guide explaining the variety of skin patterns available in CS:GO.
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[UA/EN] K0M@P 9 hours ago 
+rep good player:cozybrawlhalla7:
☯Equa ツ 5 Mar @ 9:20am 
Could You Sign My Profile Please ? Thanx.
no longer chil[ling 4 Mar @ 10:29am 
added to ask a question about MM, thanks
_Fun7om_ 25 Feb @ 11:17pm 
Сын ш Л ю x i, иди играй фейсит, трайхард мма:steamfacepalm:
retr0 25 Feb @ 3:28pm 
Sehr gut :steamthumbsup:
Persef0na 25 Feb @ 3:19pm 
sign pls