Filthy Pete 10 aout 2013 à 0h43 
bought 6 buds off him via paypal, he went first, fast and easy! +rep
ॐGoaFaceॐ 26 juin 2013 à 4h09 
+ rep sold me 12 keys over paypal he went first all good
Cerus 14 mai 2013 à 5h32 
+rep. Bought a key from him. Trade went smoothly.
Smaragd Beryl 13 mai 2013 à 4h16 
+rep awesome :D
Howdy 1 sept. 2012 à 8h06 
Nice trader with PayPal! All went smooth.
The Tooth Beaver 22 aout 2012 à 19h27 
Can i get dibs on 4 of those keys?
Mr Senor Sir 3 aout 2012 à 17h00 
+ rep bought 4 buds i went first very nice everything went smoothly
zozo 3 aout 2012 à 8h14 
+ rep, nice guy
ronin 29 juil. 2012 à 18h58 
Purchased Earbuds from him. I went first. Fast and smooth, highly recommend. +rep
Blood 14 juil. 2012 à 11h25 
+rep really awsome guy
doublea500 6 juil. 2012 à 16h10 
+rep sold an unusual team captain, received my full payment. i trust this buyer.
ati07 6 juil. 2012 à 12h29 
Buying earbuds for cash, +rep good and fair trade :)
Mitch 6 juil. 2012 à 12h07 
+rep very fast and patient, not to mention friendly!
bEN 6 juil. 2012 à 11h51 
+1 Rep went first paid 34 dollar got earbuds. Very patient!
Gabe Newell 6 juil. 2012 à 8h31 
I have purchased 17 buds (544$USD) from him. I was the first to send the money and fiew minutes later i got the buds and everything went fine. He's totally not a scammer ++REP.
sdgabe 5 juil. 2012 à 19h46 
+ REP He bought 9 buds from me! I went first, he was very fast and very nice!
redsoxx Interdit d'échange 5 juil. 2012 à 17h12 
+ REP very nice and friendly person. bought 2 buds from him. I went first
ϟ☁Hatab☁ϟ 5 juil. 2012 à 11h48 
Sold him 3 more buds, totally 8, smoothly. once again rep+ you can deal this guy anytime
ϟ☁Hatab☁ϟ 5 juil. 2012 à 10h59 
Sold him 5 buds via paypal, we used middleman everything went well, REP+
Roshonda 4 juil. 2012 à 14h24 
+rep Great Trader :3 Bought 29 key, went smoothly :D
Ordep 1 juil. 2012 à 21h00 
+rep good trader i bought a max and 4 buds i went first he traded right after, very good trustable trader!!!
monkeypillow 29 juin 2012 à 0h20 
+rep good and fast trader
cyberneticat 28 juin 2012 à 11h18 
Nice and patient trader, +rep.
Basti 21 juin 2012 à 7h53 
nice and polite trader, rep ++
catastrophe 11 juin 2012 à 22h25 
Nice trader, very hassle free.
Joth [PLS NO RUSKIE IN MY GAME] 9 juin 2012 à 9h01 
Fast and Friendly Trader. Rep +
Tea 1 juin 2012 à 17h14 
good and quick trader, rep+
SPARTA 31 mai 2012 à 9h27 
good trader +rep
Harmless 28 mai 2012 à 1h53 
I'm in australia so i will be online in washington time: 1am to 7am, 4:30pm to 6:30 pm (go to school in the middle of the day) trade me then
Harmless 27 mai 2012 à 1h10 
im gonna delete u as a friend, just to hav less people in my friends list....., if your offer is accepted at the end, i will add you again
EbaNared 20 mai 2012 à 11h15 
mat_est 15 mai 2012 à 11h53 
Traded an unusual, sweatened the deal with some cash via paypal. Good stuff! A+
353w||Ábel [igazi353w] 14 mai 2012 à 11h00 
Nice trader +rep
Keybringer 13 mai 2012 à 0h09 
Fast and Quick Trader. +rep
litl snek 7 mai 2012 à 18h14 
AMAZING trader, very polite +rep :D
Shrimp Fact Specialist 1 mai 2012 à 18h43 
nice trader, very polite +rep :)
Kappz 16 avr. 2012 à 12h41 
+ rep an very polite, fair and quick trader
benjonator 16 avr. 2012 à 11h04 
+ rep, fast and easy trade. But would be better with excrements.

Tom Nook 14 avr. 2012 à 12h03 
Awesome trader
Kermit Black 13 avr. 2012 à 22h20 
Pretty Legit Guy!
Massive Monk 12 avr. 2012 à 18h04 
Great trader ++rep!
Super_ 3 avr. 2012 à 14h13 
+rep good and quick trader.
poop man 28 mars 2012 à 22h41 
+rep, quick trader, bought a festive set with no problem and god knows I love quick traders
WitnessX 27 mars 2012 à 23h00 
+rep for being a quick trader, bought festive set off him without a problem.
Lisa Left Eye 26 mars 2012 à 0h26 
Nice trader and honnest
Draldeld 23 mars 2012 à 21h27 
Great Trader, +rep.
Kyper 19 mars 2012 à 18h40 
Nodomoer 19 mars 2012 à 11h00 
Great trader +++rep
staryi ded 19 mars 2012 à 0h32 
fast trader +rep
SHYLLER 17 mars 2012 à 8h44 
awesome trader! + rep