poubL 27 ago. 2017 às 8:29 
Ryuk 25 jan. 2017 às 17:58 
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Moydah 24 dez. 2015 às 18:33 
* .  * .' * ♥ *  '*   *
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 .     . ▨   ' ' *     *
   . *      .   .  '
Ryuk 11 dez. 2015 às 23:55 
lol speedforce :steamsalty:
xXholyanarchyXx 11 dez. 2015 às 20:11 
Speed force, I appreciate he compliment. I spent a long time getting as good as I am. My new account will be posted here soon, unfortunately this one has been compromised due to a friends stupid actions. But worry not, i am still here
Ryuk 16 out. 2015 às 2:25 
Moydah 28 set. 2015 às 19:22 
It's COOL to be gay!
Post this on the wall of a homosexual friend and tell them how COOL they are
Speed Force 27 set. 2015 às 20:24 
this loser uses hacks in every game this kid plays.
PermaTan™ 4 set. 2015 às 14:25 
fishypussies !
Mr. Sandman 睡魔 26 jul. 2015 às 20:04 
I approve this account
[GFY]Jinxer85ttv 13 jul. 2015 às 20:22 
This clan doesn't care if members hack. TheRapeTrain 14days since last ban and needs one in cod aw
Hcell 30 mai. 2015 às 19:52 
You're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ trash at AW, lmao. All you do is talk ♥♥♥♥ and quit. GG
TechnoButt 15 mai. 2015 às 18:19 
lol, worst ragequitters ever.. talk mad trash, start to lose, and quit.. over and over and over.
FR3SHM3AT 15 mai. 2015 às 16:13 
OMG... Your clan ran away twice in one game....2 forfeits...LMAO