weak gutted dog person
schizo posting extraordinaire
the bain of all existence
if it wasnt for my (illegitimate) daughter being the thing that makes me change my mind every time ive tried to go bye bye then i wouldnt be here

i just wanna dip out because i used to be a really good person and normal and everyone ive ever trusted drained it out of me and face ♥♥♥♥♥♥ me with it lol

but then i went to a psych and he told my mum "weak gutted dog person doesnt have anything wrong with him, he is the way he is from how people have been towards him and hes grown up too fast and seen too much for his age"

Everytime you join the server. Every single person in there makes fun of you and says they are sick of you. ☺️ believe me or don’t, you can say what you want to try hurt my feels, I honestly just feel bad for you 😐

the best way to stop someone doing something you dont like is just to do it better then them

i just realised recently i have bpd

i hate it
i live with the constant feeling of waiting for a train crash. like my whole life is sitting on a train knowing the crash is coming, i just down know when but it always feels soon these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tryna save me haha
yeah 14 is about when my life went down hill
was only a couple months ago i had my last breakdown tried to slam my car into a pole over and over again at 3 am on a tuesday swear i lined this pole up like 20 times kept turning at the last second
like when your body stops you from hurting yourself kind of ♥♥♥♥

im not ♥♥♥♥ in the head just because, mofos made me like this lol

i plan to kill myself more then i think about being alive in the future lol

Ive been doing this ♥♥♥♥ for years, im like a ♥♥♥♥ talking mastermind unfortunatly hahahhaha kms

im a pretty open book, i dont have much shame, im happy to talk about my past, current and my own dirt, basically if you have nothing to hide you cant really be attacked about much so people will go to extremes to get at me because the normal stuff just doesnt even come close to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ with me

spend enough time with them and you eventually find a nerve haha

he gave me a big refrence and fast tracked me to a pysch but i never followed through

was more of a pre plan if he kept doing ♥♥♥♥ that was crossing lines to find stuff out about me/posting my ♥♥♥♥. like bro if you wanna keep collecting ♥♥♥♥ about me to attempt to scare me, ill just have the boys come say hello to you for a bag of weed :/

i also have your attachment issues

i hate batman

everyone ive really loved has either died or stabbed me in the back real bad

cause atm you aint even gettin ♥♥♥♥ and sex is so important for mental health

i dont mind like banter no matter how bad it is or even straight up screaming horrible ♥♥♥♥ at eachother in an argument. People disgustingly saying things about my 4 year old daughter whos innocent to try and make me mad, like okay fine lets find out what your mum looks like then lmao

the best way to stop someone doing something you dont like is just to do it better then them

yeah but you like socially retarded so you are very different

Literally have barely been on in weeks
Because the server is not even close to important to me lol

Stop being a whinging ♥♥♥♥♥♥ about nothing and maybe I’d be able to take you seriously Rn

It’s a discord full of people who have no mates, that’s why they are in it

weak gutted dogs mum only talks to him when the rent is due

Idek what that means
Wait you gotta Atleast tell me what that means wtf I'm just confused now
You just said we have similarities so does that mean no?
Straight up, I've never really spoken to a girl that makes me like awkward and I've never been like
into a girl from discord before so I just keep end up getting awkward because i don't really understand that I am finding you attractive and I just feel like it's because we kinda click and can just talk and talk so keep wondering if you're having that same kind of thing back. I've awkwardly stumbled through ways of trying to ask you but you haven't really given me a straight answer so then I just feel like I'm being a weirdo by assuming that could be the case I think the best way to explain it is you've got my attention and my curiosity wants to know if it's mutual
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