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467.7 óra a nyilvántartásban (351.5 óra az értékeléskor)
While it is an older game now, this game is definitely notable because it makes a hybrid out of FPS games with hack and slash character progression levelling abilities along with gearing that one finds in the older hack and slash adventure games (that some people mistakenly label as RPGs (i.e. Diablo). While not the first game to offer levling of FPS charcaters (Hexen 2 for instance), it does a great job of making it have the depth noting all the adventures and DLC with a +1 mode. Graphics use a toonish style yet works noting the lighting and surreal landscapes. Throw in the MadMax/Road Warrior/Firefly/Apocalyptic themes, and you have a decent game. It should be noted that the next two in this series have Linux/Mac ports. Humor is average in its adolescent scope. Fun sit down for friends.
Közzétéve: 2015. április 4.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
1 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
28.5 óra a nyilvántartásban (16.7 óra az értékeléskor)
The game is good, especially for its low price. Unfortunately, the achievement system is broken. It is extremely challenging however as the flashlight dims in ten minutes which irritates most players. I'll change my recommendation status once the Achievement system is fixed.
Közzétéve: 2014. augusztus 27.
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8 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
186.1 óra a nyilvántartásban (1.1 óra az értékeléskor)
Something was lost in translation. I don't care for MMO client based games. I'd recommend the game if one truly wanted to make Dungeon Defenders an MMO experience. I guess after suffering the bugs of Dungeon Defenders on Linux and now seeing that the client functions, but still has issues, I can't get a feeling for it.
Közzétéve: 2014. augusztus 6.
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20.2 óra a nyilvántartásban
A more serious look at the aspect of video games transcending into a sport, and the competitive nature and lives of those that play them. Free to Play covers a Dota 2 tournament from the view point of several teams and the personal challenges one faces in a career of gaming. Observe nationalism, team glory, heartfelt defeat all on a platform that is free to play.

Or maybe, observe Valve's attempt at movie delivery via Steam platform. Look out Google Play and Netflix?
Közzétéve: 2014. július 16.
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20.1 óra a nyilvántartásban (18.2 óra az értékeléskor)
Limbo takes a mere side scroller, packs it full of mental challenges, creates a macabre environment, loads it full of beautiful art in grayscale, and keeps you on the edge of your seat during its challenges. One doesn't quite understand how it begins, and one doesn't quite understand how it ends. I typically don't recommend side scrollers, but when one comes across a gem such as this game in doing what a side scroller adventure aims to do and exceeds in doing what other games attempt to do with more capabilities, sound effects, and color palletes, one would be foolish to pass this experience up.
Közzétéve: 2014. június 4.
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40.3 óra a nyilvántartásban (18.9 óra az értékeléskor)
It's definitely a submersive single player RPG. You can feel the roots of Diablo from its original developers in this game.
Közzétéve: 2014. január 17.
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2,531.4 óra a nyilvántartásban (2,508.6 óra az értékeléskor)
I had to rewrite the review of this game, and unfortunately, weighing the considerations, I can no longer give a positive review of the game. I do want to be fair and discuss the game.
Dungeon Defenders is a good game to play. It has good graphics, a great hybrid design of RTS/(F/T)PS and has interesting game types to explore and play, each improving your ability as a character in both learning to fight of mobs of beings as well as exercising strategy in both placement of traps and utilizing different combinations of traps, not to mention the focus of factors of placing value more in damage vs. shot rate vs. range vs. trap health. The interface was mostly polished, and the play control was excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed the 2000+ hours I spent in the game as those were lots of good times with friends and fam alike.
However, I really fell that Valve/Steam needs to take a hard look at what it expects out of titles to be offered on Steam. Trendy Entertainment, Dungeon Defenders developers, never fully delivered out of what it stated was offered in Steam with Dungeon Defenders. It has some major issues with the cross platform capabilities. The Linux version was never fully completed, and it still does not adequately support the game in cross platform multiplayer, nor is it stable. While I would note that it could be argued the moving target that is Linux, I would counter argue that the developers should really investigate their technology before making those attempts. While I recognize the development of the Linux version was not actually performed by Trendy, but rather "Rampage", or more accurately "Icculus", it still falls on Trendy to ensure that quality control is met before giving a thumbs up to those offerings being touted as "stable". While I am a fan of the SDL library, I can't say I'm a fan of development efforts being sold to independant developers when those efforts are not ready for such a role. Other titles supported by Icculus development efforts have suffered with promises of "fixing bugs at a later date" (see Limbo for example). Without spending too much time focusing on the poor cross platform support, I just want to leave it at (this was never completed, and as a customer, I can't say that I was given what I was expected.
Next, I think the game requirements heavily increased on later release of levels. The system requirements for Dungeon Defenders in the first level are !not! the same as say "The Tinkerer's Lab". Previous players and I could no longer play together as those requirements changed. This is important as potentially those players may not have pursued playing the game noting the requirements did not accurately explain what the game truely required.
Then comes the drop of support for the game. Getting harrassed by a player? Move along. Seeing a player blatently cheat? Too bad. I get it. Trendy decided to take the "we will make the game online only and in a controlled environment and we will tackle the issue in the future version". A mere gripe from me as this reminds me of Blizzard's migration to closed Battle.net to deal with issues in Diablo 2, yet I don't follow how a mere procedure of proving players are blatently cheating is not decent enough for a company to manage. Make the procedure automated and it would seem a good filter for handling a marjority of those requests.
But this will not happen, because Trendy has dropped the support of the game. Trendy is focused on their sequel. I get it. They need to eat. Granted, I can't say I don't follow why they couldn't continue releasing content for this platform as people gladly forked over their lettuce for the extensions of the game, but I'm out of the loop on such decisions. Yet this lack of support still carries an importance as I've seen individuals with over 3000+ hours of time in the game completely lose all their characters that were stored on Trendy Net, and basically, that's to be perceived as "too bad". I find that notable as before said events occurred, these were the same people not finding value in my concern in Trendy harming their own community from lack of support and coaxing me into purchasing Dungeon Defenders 2. Now those people are exceedingly bitter about the game, the company, and the experience. It actually decreases their respect for Steam as a gaming platform for that matter, and if they leave, where are the friends that I play my games? Not here unfortunately, and while I am not interested in leaving Steam, when I spend time with said friends, it's a hard sell to get them to play another game noting that there aren't any true safe guards on Steam (and there really aren't as I've observed issues with Steam Cloud causing friends to lose their save data in other games (Borderlands *cough* *cough*)
Anyway, I want to be clear that I do think Dungeon Defenders is a good title, and I do enjoy the time and experiences. I simply don't want to be seen as a fool for advising someone to buy a game that later on can lead to disillusionment due to its current direction. This current direction is "remove the support of the product the players paid for and enjoy, and resell them a nother version (Dungeon Defenders Eternity) with even less features as the original that is highly dependant on one's connection to the Internet. Seems a sad practice to put in place for people who were true fans.
Közzétéve: 2012. május 23. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2015. december 14.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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