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25 people found this review helpful
9.0 hrs on record
As a player of the original MV, MVS release on steam and now well... this. I have to say, it is as much as I expected to be, if not a bit worse considering it has been in "development" for 6 years.
I humored nostalgia for the sake of it but after post-game clarity I'm positive of what I'm about to say as my opinion on the matter.

It's bad. The game is bad, sound design is bad, maps still bad, cosmetics are actually worse and I'll break it down as to why.

The Good
(Which aren't many, but I will still say it nonetheless)

- Returning players would know what this is, thankfully they kept it.

Character Voice Lines
- The fact that you can pick another voice for your character gives an extra touch of personality to them.

Map Tricks
- A few personal tricks that I took the time to learn as a kid still holds true to most of the maps. +Points in nostalgia.

The Bad

System (UI/HUD)
- It's 2023 and yet we are still holding on a more than 10 years old system. 6 Years in the making to present something like this is unacceptable.

Gameplay clarity (Falls under HUD technically)
- In both MV and MVS it was really obvious who was an enemy and who wasn't, for some ungodly reason, the game doesn't keep the green marker on allies when they are close to you which makes it hard to tell from a glance who is an enemy or not.

Weapon upgrades
- Not only you have to buy a variant of your base gun (Separately by A/B/C "Tiers"), you still have to charge it with battery and a few MP points to upgrade it. It takes time to build up charge, I don't have that kind of time.

Part upgrades
- Parts also need to be upgraded to give you extra % of either speed or a flat increase in health (which will give you a few extra shots before dying) for instance, someone with 3 upgraded parts for HP can survive a bodyshot from an upgraded sniper rifle. However that is not all, if you want to upgrade parts, you are settling down for an specific character since parts are not interchangeable between characters. Aka, if you want to play Pandora but you upgraded your naomi, well good luck building more battery to upgrade those Pandora parts.

Accessories selection
- Accessories, while interchangeable between characters, look and perform badly.
- You can get extra ammo for your weapons if you wear this lame bottle on your back or this weird flashlight on your hip, or better yet, wearing a bloody red arrow pointing to your head. That sounds nice doesn't it?

- Who in their right mind thought that it was a good idea to not separate parts from cosmetics? First of all it's stupid, the fact that you need to buy the "skin" for your figure or weapon and upgrade said "skin" the same way as you would with a base weapon.
- As of writing this review, the pulse variant A holds the same stats as the base grenade launcher while also being able to be upgraded while the base version that costs way less actually puts you back in stats. Amazing work QA.

- We all know it doesn't do anything other than giving hackers a way to get information out of your system, otherwise why would it install a file in your system folder?

In short...
It was good for the first few hours. I got to play a game from my childhood that gave me a mild surge of sadness as now I'm a working adult and don't have enough time to play games as I would've wanted to.
The deal breaker for me was the anti cheat thing though, who in their right mind would do this to the players of their own game? I uninstalled it, probably never will install it again unless they replace the anti-cheat with something else. Hopefully this review also prevented you from getting it into your system because once in, it's a pain in the butt to remove it later.
Posted 12 September, 2023. Last edited 12 September, 2023.
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186.8 hrs on record (70.0 hrs at review time)
Mild spoilers ahead regarding game mechanics so if you want to discover them by yourself by all means, play the game first.

Having played both the super famicon 1995 release and 2010 psp release, I already knew just from playing the very beginning of the tutorial that it was going to be hell to beat later battles of the game... and needless to say, I was right.

What I think they did wrong:

Union Level

Brand new in the game, it gates all of your character's to that level and can only be unlocked by progressing through the story.
I can understand from the developer's point of view that it might be easier to simply control which level the player goes in battle, after all, with so many new additions and rework how the battle system works, it's only natural that they'd want to finely tune battles in order for them to feel "balanced". However there's a problem.
Some battles feel like they are nothing because you are considerably higher level and some others feel like you need to sack units in order to go for the kill when all generic enemy units are a level higher than your entire army. Which it wouldn't be a problem if not for the next issue I'll talk in a moment.

Buff Cards

The bane of the tactical genre. RNG. I cannot count how many times I had to reset the entire battle just because the game decided to spawn more buff cards on the enemy side than my own. Specially when I have ally AI to take care of.
I get it there are things that you don't have control over the battlefield, namely, weather, enemy placement. But those you have a vaguely idea to deal with by using certain items, placement of your own units and planning ahead with the scouting option in order to gain the upper hand.
Buff cards however does not help in making the game more fun, it makes it more random. Later fights have you dealing with already buffed bosses, which wouldn't be a problem if said cards didn't spawn on the enemy side on top of that.
Back in the PSP version we had stat cards (similar to the green ones in reborn) that could potentially drop from a slain enemy. It added a bit of variety and options, would you finish the fight first or would you stall it to grab that stat card for your unit?


While the 1995 release didn't have any of that. The PSP version added skills for all different classes, with a point buy system based on battle participation, you could buy a variety of things, from skill slots to active skills like mighty impact which automatically crits with 100% accuracy to anatomy, a passive rankable skill that allowed you to deal increased damage to human units which could transfer between generic classes.
Now we got only four skill slots, which previously could be upped to ten. And there are no transferable skill for generic classes. Passive auto skills like meditate and phalanx were on a TP cost system, instead of what we get now with only using MP. Without being able to choose when to recover MP through a TP cost button, we are forced to grab auto skill cards or MP regeneration cards, which goes back once again to my previous issue with the game.


Back in the super famicon release, fusils were extremely rare for lore reasons and also very powerful, with infinite range they could snipe any other unit in sight from anywhere of the map. In the 2010 version they removed that and placed fusils alongside crossbows.
In Reborn I was hoping to see fusils once again back with infinite range but alas, I was disappointed. Auto skills like engulf helps, but still not great. Fusils are, as of now, a better crossbow with the downside of terrible RT delay.

By now you may be wondering, "Then why the hell are you recommending the game if you do nothing but complain?" and for that I say, it's not all lemons, we have lemonade as well.


Improved graphics for PC, fullscreen with no major input delay. It just feels right. Better than 1995's that's for sure.

Fast Forward

Better than waiting all those enemy units cast their spells one by one. Although, it could've been faster. But still better than not having it.

Unit by Unit Level

Same as 1995's unit level system instead of the class level system in the PSP version. Allows you to easily access skills by just swapping classes.

Voice Acting

Back in my days, we had to use our eyes.

In short...

The story feels refreshed with the presence of voice acting in every cutscene, the graphics help with immersion and the soundtrack is like massage for the ears. Despite everything I said just now, I still recommend the game solely for the effort they put in the story telling experience.
If it all depended on the battle system it would be a big fat no from me. As someone that hates RNG (because it hates me back with terrible results) adding that layer of unpredictability just ruins my experience.
Posted 21 November, 2022.
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5 people found this review helpful
1,466.9 hrs on record (878.1 hrs at review time)
Monster Hunter: World

The first Monster Hunter game to come to PC, I played Tri on wii and Freedom Unite in psp but this one feels really different from the previous ones.

- Easily to learn the ropes
The weapon crafting tree shows what you can craft, other games kinda just threw what you could craft at the time.
- Tutorials are easy to acess and learn the basics
It doesn't hold your hand but that's a good thing, it challenges your ability to learn what weapons you would like to spend time with.
- Graphics
Honestly all the previous games had this polygon graphic, I don't mind it but World came to refresh things up.
- Interactions
Turf wars, environmental traps, collectable wildlife. No more "I'm good now" animation when chugging potions (You can actually run while drinking them)
- Slinger
I got to love to have a ranged option that doesn't render you imobile, then again everything in this game is made to feel dynamic.
- Weapons
New moves and the graphics also helps to flesh them out.
- Mantles
These are new lifesavers in the game, other than the palicoes sometimes.

And now we go to the...

- Feels "Incomplete"
While yes there are new monsters in this game there's only so much you can hunt, Monster Hunter: World bring us 31 large monsters to hunt while Freedom Unite had 58, doesn't seem like a large difference, but hunting the same monster over and over again gets boring really fast.
- It's not as rewarding
In Freedom Unite I remember fighting Kirin for the first time, the damn thing kept jumping around while I ran after it with a greatsword only to be struck by lighting and get sent back to the camp, here in world it's most like the same, but some aspects of the game like fast travel and higher mobility makes the game easier in a way. Therefore when you finally slay that annoying elder dragon, it doesn't feel as rewarding as the other ones.
- Palicoes
I honestly preferred the old ones, when you build their trust and companionship towards you, they even sacrifice themselves to save you, in World, sure it happens sometimes but unless you ping like a madman, they often forget that you exist and instead start to chug a potion while you're stunned.
- No Akantor nor Nargacuga (yet)
It's more of a personal con but still a con nonetheless, Akantor is my favorite elder dragon (his armor is awesome) and Nargacuga (the upcoming DLC Iceborne will bring him back) being a great and enjoyable fight.

Honestly I'm quite biased since I love Monster Hunter, being a fan since wii release with Tri, I'm not quite fit to say how good is the game by itself, but-

Compared to other games World lacks in replayability and content (I'm looking at you transmog) but as a starting point is a really good game to go with, it's rather easier than other games and also got a ton of new stuff to try out.
To me, it can be enjoyable to hangout with friends or challenge yourself to a solo match against its monsters.

Personal Grade: 9/10

Unbiased Grade: 7/10

Thank you Capcom for making this awesome game.
Posted 4 July, 2019.
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34.6 hrs on record (22.7 hrs at review time)
Just play it, it's good, it's fun, it's nostalgic, it's half minute hero 2.
Posted 30 December, 2014.
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1,369.1 hrs on record (1,178.2 hrs at review time)
Acho que eu não tenho que falar nada, só olhe o tempo de jogo e você vai descobrir se é bom ou não.
Posted 16 September, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
195.7 hrs on record (51.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Jogo perfeito para quem quer ter uma experiência com a apocalipse de zumbis 10/10 "Tirando alguns bugs* mas mesmo assim, com multiplayer agora podemos matar esses bastardos com nossos melhores amigos
Posted 1 July, 2014.
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