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Опубликовано: 28 июн. 2024 г. в 17:26
Обновлено: 6 янв в 19:00

It took three different tries for Spelunky 2 to click for me, and even then it was only after some friends gave me some pointers and perspective. Even though I will recommend now it? I will still say it is, in numerous ways, a step backwards compered to the previous game.

Spelunky 2 is, at it's core, spiteful. The mechanics and physics were changed in a lot of ways to stack the deck against you...and most of it isn't in a way that's engaging. Any game can be difficult; Spelunky HD walked the fine line between "Challenging" and "Fair". Spelunky 2 is not fair; it's mean spirited, cruel, and sadistic. Some people like their games like that, and fair enough to them. I only object because I loved the balance of the first Spelunky and I'm really undeserved for games that walk that line so adeptly.

Spelunky 2 is worth your time, and it has tons more content then Spelunky HD. Just know that it's viciously unfair and spiteful, and it makes me think that Derek Yu needs therapy.
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