Getting old....Still looking for that one happy moments I played Dota with friends. Some of friends have their own families, some of them aren't in this game anymore, some of them aren't in this life anymore.... Sad.... Feeling sad.... Thought buying skins I wished will make me happy, but happiness is not about achiving ur goals, its about trying to achive them. The path to them is happines itself. This week I am 25 already, but still don't have the real treasures I could be happy for. Wife with whom I would spend my entire life, kids to whom I will get stars from the sky, job I would go every morning with tired mood and come back with enthusiasm.... Don't know what I am doing wrong, where in my life path I turned to wrong way to get all of this.... I wish I could turn time back and enjoy the moments I had and I didn't appreciate. I am not complaining what GOD gave me, I am complaining what I did, and moreover, what I didn't.
Its just a thoughts outloud. But if You, Yes, You, if you are reading it, and you are not in my situation, here is a small advice for you. Appreciate every moment in your life. Don't complain about what you don't have, be happy about what You have! Be thanksfull to GOD. Hope one day, I also would find that one spark, the spark which will breathe some willness to my life, to my dark world. Maybe I still have a chance to enjoy life, maybe that last one spark, last one hope already gone. I dont know. But I know one thing for sure, time is not editable, all what is done is done. Which means... I, am, getting old.....
Dota 2
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