hahafhaha   British Columbia, Canada
:csgocross: :p2blue:best alpaca ever !!!!!add if u like alpaca!!!!!!:p2blue::csgocross:

Зараз не в мережі
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Улюблена гра
3 338
Годин проведено
500 оч. досвіду
Остання активність
3 338 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 26 листоп.
500 оч. досвіду
140 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 16 листоп.
171 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 16 листоп.
Conjuzel 15 трав. о 7:16 
Cool profile pic!
CheeseSeer 26 лют. о 10:55 
+rep friendly player <3
Delan 22 трав. 2020 о 6:36 
Yo man, I know that you've already received other messages about joining the team, but we'd really like to have you among us... We're willing to pay weekly if you take part in some tournaments and leagues with us. We can pay $200-250 per week + prize pool split in case you take part in tournaments with us. If you're interested - add our team leader https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/poppy_pro
kaname 15 лют. 2020 о 23:38 
I like alpaca
bben555 13 лют. 2017 о 18:40 
there they go packing stadiums as shady spits his flow nuts they go macadamian they go so ballastic whoa he can make them look like bozos hes wondering if he spits this slow ♥♥♥♥ no go for broke this cup just runnth over no he ain had a real buzz since the last time that he overdosed
CKGpeter 13 квіт. 2016 о 13:34 