Enigmagus(former)   Zinder, Zinder, Niger
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Jabg 4 Jan @ 8:17am 
Wudhued up, mandee junubed up, all day, all pray, from the mushalla to the meembar, from hajar to marwa, from the wudhu sink to the sajada, from mecca to medina, from the holy land to the promised land, diagonally, perpendicularly, right angle, algebraic, gaussian, khuwarizmically, probability, while I recite bismilla in between, screamed out takbeer, ruku, sujud, taheeyat akheer, doodook deeuntara dooa soojood, hands raised to the sky, "O Lord I pray for thy mercy", on the palm tree stump, on the back of our camel, under the hood of the sheerija market, inside the tsur cave, on the hills of sinai, above the buraq, under the watchfull eyes of jibril, floated on the river in a basket, carried by the ark of nuh, inside the fish's stomach, eye shaking, dzikir inducing, ayat kursi worthy, yasin mournable, iman challenging, syaitan delighting, masyalla ringing, astaghfirulla clenching, qun fayaqun dropping, infidel, bid'a, heresy, fatwa wronging, abrahamaic, Assalamualeikum
NoPullNev 22 Mar 2019 @ 6:03am 
im not one to teach, nor am i good enough to teach. Experience is the best teacher
Leviathan 21 Mar 2019 @ 8:03pm 
teach me
NoPullNev 26 Feb 2019 @ 5:40am 
♥♥♥♥♥ am bad lmao
Semut Mejret 26 Feb 2019 @ 5:08am 
teach me how to csgo plz uwu :3