Gustavo Dort   Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
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Колекціонер ігор
Вітрина найрідкісніших досягнень
Вітрина рецензій
79 год. проведено
Have you ever played Baldur's Gate? Icewind Dale? Neverwinter Nights?
Well, those games are called CRPGs: computer role-playing games.
Pillars of Eternity fits just right in as their spiritual successor.

  • I bought it on a sale (60% off) so I felt my money was well spent!
  • I finished it in about 80 hours and I took my time but didn't see everything. The money per hour ratio is pretty low, which is nice;
  • I finished the game wanting for more! I won't buy the expansion now since I'm poor, but I'll add them to my wishlist;
  • Gotta love the hoarding, exploring and destruction feelings;
  • Weapon improvement is awesome;
  • There's no such thing as an alignment: you get a reputation on regions by how you portray yourself on situations. I know some people say it's a con, but ♥♥♥♥ them. Reputation: Irrational +1, Aggressive +1.

  • Sometimes dialogs are boring so I skipped them. The main story is about lost souls and past lives and stuff, but to be honest I felt it was too wordy sometimes;
  • Dialogs are displayed like this: "What is he doing?" - you asked yourself while reading this guy's review. - "I guess I can see the point now", you mumbled while scratching your chin. Sometimes the quoted sentences are voiced, but the other parts are not and there's no pause for you to read what's in between the voiced sentences. This actually irritated me a lot. It broke the immersion so much I just hurried the silent reading and considered the voice acting a distraction. I used to feel relief when the sentences weren't voiced so I could take my time;
  • I couldn't find a key that centers the screen on character. Maybe there is one but I was way too lazy to find it;
  • Some minor UI bugs, but none of them were a show-stopper. I'm a Unity developer myself and I know UIs can be a pain to fix, but sometimes pop-ups were flickering fast and making the text hard to read. This gave me a bad first impression since it happened at the character creation screen;

Some things I learned the hard way
  • Any class can disarm traps: there's a skill called Mechanics so just invest on it. Make a rogue only if you love sneak attack like me;
  • Characters are moving too slow? Press D to turn on Fast Mode;
  • Endurance is how much punishment you can take before fainting in battle. When the battle is over, all characters get up and fill their Endurance with part of their overall Health. If a character faints in battle there's a severe random debuff that only go away when resting;
  • I tried playing on normal difficulty, but after a while I sticked to easy. This change only applies to maps you haven't visited yet. I know some people like to suffer and get maimed by the game, but I'm in for the ride and good times;
  • When picking up loot, you can put it all at your party's stash (it's the chest at the bottom-left corner of the UI). Every character has 20 slots for stuff, but you don't need to fill them. Ever;
  • You can spend some gathered items to improve weapons and armor only AFAIK. Do it on unique items since they have buffs you can't get by any other means;
  • Same bonuses given by equipment don't stack. If you have gloves that give you Might +1 and a headgear that gives Might +2, you'll only get the +2 bonus;
  • Pets are cute but useless. I thought they would evolve to something fierce and dangerous, but no, they just follow you all over the place. A pretty useless feature if you ask me.

Overall the experience is awesome and I believe it's worth the price and the effort.
Unless you don't like CRPG, and in that case I'm wondering why you read this far.
Thanks for reading and here's an ascii crooked cat to commend you on your efforts:
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