臏孫 نصرالدين خوجه   Beijing, China
qiziqarliq yazghuchi :Gürayidmemet
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Přehlídka obrázků
戰地風雲4 Battlefield 4
111 42 4
THIS LIFE / 況概般一/ HAYOT ODAMLARI ھايات ئادەملىرى
Genel / Haqida / قـارشــى ئــېلىش
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ئىسىم / ismim / name: 臏孫 (نصر الدين (افندى زاد

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ئاكا ئىسىم / aka isim/ brother name: 武孫

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ئورنۇم / uyim / Location: Asia Orient شرقي 方東

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ھايات رايونى / hayot rayoni / Living area: mountainous

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ياخشى كۆرىمىز/ sevamiz / Love: about military, biology , history ✔️ :oldschool:

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ياخشى كۆرمىمىز / sevmaymiz / Hate: all about porn ✖️ , anime ✖️, spam ✖️ my steam profil 👈 ❕❕:dustpan: ئاناڭنى سىكەمەن  

- anime makes a person weak 🔚
- porn makes a person lose willpower 🔚

Warning: you do not love me pages, block me please. (Welcome)

└funny international situation ┐

- why China hates Czech ,Poland , Finland ,Lithuania Ukraine, so much and China wants Russia to destroy these countries.?

- reason: These countries supported Taiwan and aided Ukraine because China and Russia are allies, which makes it impossible for Russia to completely occupy Ukraine. And support for Taiwan is annoying to China.

- china wants Russia to completely occupy Ukraine, so China hope these countries don't support Ukraine.

- and cultivate pro-Russian Chinese political parties in Europe, demanding to give up support for Ukraine and let Ukraine be occupied by Russia.

Why does the West dare not go to war with China or is it afraid of a war with China?

- because this means that if a war breaks out, there will be a large number of refugees in China. we know that China is very crowded, with nearly 100 million persons in any region. The least populated region also has 50 million persons. This means that the population of any place in China is larger than that of any country in africa, syria and afghanistan combined. more and coupled with the refugees coming to China from southeast Asia, they will also take the opportunity to follow Chinese refugees , and Chinese refugees to the West to seek asylum (most of them also love to go to Europe). Perhaps this will lead to the direct destruction of the Western world

Where in the world is the next war likely to occur?

after the war between Ukraine and Russia, there is also a war between the jews in palestine.where will it be next? maybe in taiwan? No. china seems too weak at the moment. It is possible that North Korea will launch missiles against Japan and South Korea.

(This looks like a war, the east destroyed proxy of the western world. In fact, this should be a war with the puppet government supported by the USA (Cognition of the East)


- - rich persons and poor persons
- why rich peoples always succeed and poor peoples always fail. because this is about their environmental problems, the result of different environments.
Usually rich people's environment makes it easy for them to find people who can teach them skills and travel to distant places to get new skills, so rich people can choose more.

- the poor peoples usually want to learn a lot of skills due to environmental constraints, but because they cannot find people who teach them and have no money. so they usually self-learning.

they usually have few choices. usually they only work for others and join the military. the poor peoples usually just want to survive.

Allohni Nusrati Yaqin

Аллоҳ таоло бир ўқ туфайли уч кишини жаннатга киргизади: ўқ ясовчини, ўқни отувчини, отиш учун олиб келувчини.

<<<earth organisms nature>>>

- animals

- human wars are nothing more than a race between groups of Hominoidea with arms on both sides in accordance with the laws of nature. The purpose is for territory.

the war between ethnic groups is experienced by all living things and animals on the earth (unavoidable in animal survival). It is normal. the instinct of all animals. (and territorial consciousness)

- invasion: invasion is the instinct of animals to survive. when there is not enough food and resources in the territory, the animals will invade the territories of other groups to expand their territories for more resources.

- territorial consciousness: when animals migrate in this area or invade and occupy this area for a period of time, they will form a sense of territory.

when encountering other same intruders, they will instinctively resist and usually end the fight by defeating the intruder or fleeing and dying by themselves.

- animal group leader: when the animal group exceeds a certain number, there will be a leader who will be the animal group.

other animals challenge to defeat this leader and it will become the new leader

when forming groups with other animals against common enemies, it will also appear in groups of stray animals. and stray animals to regain control of the territory.

- boundary: when different groups of animals control territory (even if they are all the same animals) they are aware of the existence of each other. they usually dont come to each other (border) only when animals disappear from this area, animals from the other side will come to the area by themselves.

- thinking - mind : same species but different breeds thinking completely different, some are very smart some are very stupid, even if the environmental experience is the same, they behave differently. The environmental influence is actually very little, and most of them are inherited from the family (biological inheritance).

- vegetation

- weather temperature environment geography will be the deciding factor.

different geographical environments will result in the inability of the desired vegetable species to survive.

the species of the same vegetation will also vary in different geographical locations, some of them are large and some are small.

- vegetation big and small: we often discuss whether the vegetable is big or small, and it is actually related to the variety seeds of vegetable.

- when vegetation can adapt to heat and cold, it means that it can grow anywhere on the earth, but the growth rate is faster in hot weather and slower in cold weather.

We are all similar in all things, but fate is different. so we parted...!

<<< theories>>>

Remember, the ignorant, the knowledgeable, and the nobles never give anything, they only take. -nasrettin hodja

Most men, however brave, have some anxiety or fear in them. -bobur

Sometimes vigilance we need than power complacency has ruined many a strong we are mortal, we go, but the people In glorifies your name, or curses. -yusuf balasaguni

Allah is my witness that in all my wars I have never been the aggressor, and that my enemies have always been the authors of the their own calamity The best way to defeat an enemy is to make them your friend. - amir temur
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