
mono enthusiast 最近的評論

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總時數 999.5 小時 (評論時已進行 985.9 小時)
Updated Review for the release of Counter Strike 2.

You still can't ping on maps as you can in Valorant. If you lose a firefight and want to ping an enemy, you have to communicate, either by typing or using a microphone. There are also still no designated names on the map. What was once known as 'banana' might be different now or known differently by other people. It's like an esoteric knowledge, known only to a handful of determined players who understand which places are which. I don't understand why they can't provide generally acceptable names for each of the spots, nooks and crannies of the map for all players to use.

Valve has updated the buy menu from a circular one (universal for both PC players and non-existent console players) to a box-shaped menu. However, you still can't buy weapons for your teammates directly from the menu. Instead, you have to use a workaround: purchase the weapons and then throw them to your teammates. Additionally, there are no text or command options to request weapons, suggest an eco round, or specify which weapon you want your teammates to buy for you. I initially thought they might take cues from Valorant and adopt similar features, but it seems they only borrowed the box-shaped buy menu.

There is no designated practice map/level as it is in Valorant. You can't practice while searching for a game.

You can't change the deathmatch game mode from free-for-all to team deathmatch. This results in constant 360-degree scanning to check for enemies behind you, killing them, only to get killed by someone who spawns behind you once again.

Overall, it's still a great game; however, it feels like an overglorified shader update, which is quite underwhelming. Nevertheless, the updates to smokes and sub-tick are decent.
張貼於 2016 年 6 月 23 日。 最後編輯於 2023 年 10 月 18 日。
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