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123.7 uur in totaal
there's a sword that shoots cats 10/10
Geplaatst 18 juli 2020.
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180.2 uur in totaal (46.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Since it went free to play, there are loads more noobs playing so I'm actually good at the game now

the game's not that bad either
Geplaatst 12 november 2017.
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29.2 uur in totaal
It's a game where you annihilate demons with basically every badass weapon in existence behind badass music all the while finding badass collectibles.
Geplaatst 25 november 2016.
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214.8 uur in totaal (207.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
I won a game of cards against a little girl so I didn't go to jail 10/10
Geplaatst 30 december 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 16 juli 2018.
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233.8 uur in totaal (156.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst 18 november 2015.
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22.5 uur in totaal (15.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
To achieve lifelong happiness,
people say, you have to fall in love,
I say pay £10.99.

If you've ever played a retro-classic, then you'll see just how much this game is like one.
Shovel Knight is a brilliant portrayal of a classic with accurate, pixel-graphics and slid gameplay.

As the blue burrower, Shovel Knight, you must travel to the Tower of Fate and defeat the Enchantress while beating any other rogue knights on the way.

The gameplay is very entertaining; you can buy relics which can each help oyu in their own unique way.
The bosses remind me of the classic megaman games with set patterns to memorize.
The game if filled with secrets, cheats and achievements which gives it replay value.
The soundtrack perfectly captures the retro style and you can listen to each and every track by collecting their music sheets throughout the world; two birds with one stone!

I do recommend Shovel Knight; it has no flaws worth mentioning and can captivate your attention easily.
Why not play?
Geplaatst 24 februari 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 28 maart 2015.
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23.9 uur in totaal
Dust: An Elysian Tail is an astounding 2D metroidvania where you play as Dust who has lost his memories accompanied by Fidget, your small orange friend, and Ahrah a talking sword as you journey to find your purpose in this world.

If anything, you need to play this for the story. As you journey throughout the world searching for your memories, you learn that you are more than you thought you were. Well-written and quite surprising if I had to say. Both comedic and dramatic with the help of Fidget! Really hoping for a sequel to continue the fantastic journey I had.

The gameplay is firm; with the few melee moves and combos you are given at the start, you are expected to achieve over 1000 hit combos. Challenging yet not impossible with the help of Fidget! In addition, like most metroidvania, there are many collectibles in the form of armor, augments, pendants or even friends! The challenge is collecting them after succeeding in a parkour challenge or a challenge arena. On the other hand, this is the first 2d game where the roll ability changes your direction; caused a bit of confusion at the start.

The animation and graphics are unique with a very distinctive art style which incorporates 3DCG with 2D art. They even put in the detail of having random weather conditions! Fantastic attention to detail. Although, the cutscenes... cutscenes aren't very appealing with the art style they used... In terms of music, the soundtrack created the mood and atmosphere perfectly. The voice acting couldn't have been executed better!

All in all, a beautiful game with beautiful art, beautiful music and a beautiful story.
Why not play?
Geplaatst 21 februari 2015.
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24.1 uur in totaal (14.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
First of all, I do not recommend buying this game.
Instead, buy the definitive edition, Super Turbo Championship Edition, since it has everything and more!
Guacamelee is a 2D luchadore metroidvania.
It has tons of references to other games and media.
The puzzles are consistently challenging by which you must utilise the abilities you currently have and would need to return to levels after gaining new abilities in search of treasure.
The music is quite, quite, mexican-themed. This is a compliment.
The graphics are outstanding; just the right amount of detail put in.
There's also many post-ending activities such as the infernio challenges, achievement-hunting or collecting orbs (To get the happy ending).
I do indeed recommend buying the STCE. This is an action-platformer you can't miss!
Why not play?
Geplaatst 13 februari 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 14 februari 2015.
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9.2 uur in totaal
I must live in a kitchen since the amount of onions that were cut whilst I was playing this game is unimaginable.
Valiant Hearts is a 20% art, 30% soundtrack and 50% story game.
The soundtrack is a main aspect. Most of it is piano solos but that sets the atmosphere perfectly. Puzzles incorporate sounds to give it the correct feel. The soundtrack is one of the reasons you should play.
Gameplay is simple yet challenging and sustains originality in later levels.
The other reason is the story. The story... Its like a Meunier M1916 shot you with a bullet full of emotions... but it doesn't draw blood... it draws tears...
A perfect artstyle with a fantastique soundtrack and an incroyable story.
Statistically, I would give this game a 7.5/10... but I am compeled to give this game a 10/10 because it deserves no less.
Take this historical journey filled with hardships and struggles.
Why not play?
Geplaatst 20 januari 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 20 januari 2015.
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4.9 uur in totaal
Gunpoint is a 2-D platformer that is another stealth game where you can choose how you play (like a badass busting down doors or creeping on ceilings like a spider).
What sets it apart from other games is its comedy aspect which comes into play with the client conversations that occur before and after missions.
Another interseting feature about this game is the ridiculous amount of achievements; a lot of them you get while messing around but some you'll need to replay the game to get which makes starting a new game have purpose.
The artstyle is good, the puzzles are good, what's not to like?
Oh yeah.
Its relatively short length (huhu).
On the other hand, there are hundreds of workshop levels to play so you'll never get bored (but it does get a bit repetitive).
Why not play?
Geplaatst 20 januari 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 20 januari 2015.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
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