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Diposting: 26 Jul 2014 @ 5:54pm

Ulasan Akses Dini
So far, I'm quite pleased with the state this is in, in Alpha. I was an avid Minecraft player though less on the "elaborate builds" and more on the "exploration and live in a hollowed out cave" side, so initially this is pretty good for indulging your Exploratory side, and building looks customizable enough that it'll be a decent-sized learning curve vs simple blocks/pixel recreation; ergo, it'll be more in-depth and nice looking than Blocky builds would, but also harder to tweak just right than simply slapping one block/lego onto another in some cases.

It is an Alpha though at the time of this review, so there's some minor bugs/issues; movement can be wonky sometimes(it was worse, but they actually made it better in a recent update), I had a quest to escort an npc to a place and had to kill 3 monsters at the location, but they spawned underground or something and, while still being marked on my map, weren't killable, breaking the quest. The NPC went ahead and acted like I'd beaten them, but since I hadn't, couldn't complete. This was in Story Mode, though, and will likely be fixed at the rate they work.

Server-based Multiplayer is available, though still finicky in it's current iteration. I tried to create a game with a friend and it simply wasn't showing up in the list, and vice versa. I assume/hope that they'll be working on that and making hosting & joining a little easier for the average joe to do without having to learn to set up "actual" servers for small-numbers co-op play with a friend or two.

TL;DR: If you like Survival/Exploration/Building games a la Minecraft, Terraria, or even similar to Everquest Landmark, with a solid single player experience as well as Multiplayer options, this is worth a shot for ya. I'm eager to see where it goes as it progresses into a more stable Beta and eventual Launch.
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