Manuel   Spain
Hello! If you're reading this text, you've probably just played a CS2 game with me. If you're mad because I've killed you repeatedly and therefore you've come to the conclusion that I'm cheating, I have good news: you can post a comment down below describing your last late-night encounter with my mother and telling me how long it's been since my father left for milk. Also, don't forget to add -rep, that way we can all laugh at you.

If you were on my team, either of the following scenarios may have happened:

1. You think I contributed to the match, so you've sent me a friend request (highly unlikely). Unless your profile has anything anime-related, I'll consider accepting.

2. You think I was trolling, so you've shown off your vast repertoire of racial slurs throughout the entire game. The more salt surrounding the comment you're gonna leave, the better. That way, when I read it a couple of months from now, it will be funny.
Currently Online
Grim Reaper 12 Mar @ 10:26am 
-rep toxic
🍇Andromagas🔮 11 Mar @ 12:17pm 
can you add me?, +rep smart player
METH ADDICT OwnedToast294 10 Mar @ 3:59pm 
+rep funny nickname
METH ADDICT Naked Gaming 10 Mar @ 3:59pm 
+rep funny description
Mamuro 10 Mar @ 1:34pm 
Add me now!
Dawnworm 6 Mar @ 11:39am 
Congrats, bro!