Real Name   Newport, Vermont, United States
Stop asking me if I'm chinese, Taiwan is a different country. :steamhappy:

Yenko Stage I Chevy Cruze
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214 arvostelua
me , with over 700h of beanNg drive gametime , ill try show some stuff that will take you some time in this cruel times -drive around city with traffic -be chasen by cops -be chasen by cops with traffic on -chase someone -chase someone from traffic -turn o
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Habib 25.10. klo 15.43 
Thanks jit, your mask is terrifying. +rep
TroutBag_TTV 1.10. klo 12.59 
helluva penny shot tool... lmao
Things From Above 19.9. klo 18.49 
Habib 10.5. klo 22.45 
This is HILARIOUS!!! Ha-ha, my son is dating a 13 year old, He is 21!!!
CrazyPeanut 12.3. klo 22.47 
Dude your Turkish bank deposit did not go through the other day, can you pay me back for the $5000 you took out of my unlocked car.
CALEB 359 48 NUmet 4.2. klo 18.28 
This player is fantastic. Just needs to work on communication, aim, map awareness, crosshair placement, teamplay, flicks, prediction, positioning, bombing, making plays, projectile aim, strafing, rocketjumping, sticky traps, hitscan weapons, projectile weapons, ubercharges, capture the flag, control point, king of the hill, and his overall fragging ability