I Like Black Metal Music :hellangel_grasshoper:
dpi = 800 sensitivity = 1.3269 [ٍSince 26/4/2019 : New sens: 1.7]
Old Crosshair (00/08/2016-00/11/2017):
cl_crosshaircolor_r"255";cl_crosshairgap"0";cl_crosshairsize"3";cl_crosshairstyle "4";cl_crosshairthickness "0.5"
Tarik Crosshair (00/11/2017-00/4/2020):
cl_crosshairstyle 1;cl_crosshaircolor 4;cl_fixedcrosshairgap -4.5
Greev Crosshair (00/4/2020-Today):
import using cs go ingame-settings. CSGO-vpdfF-Aiea3-xGk6W-tLxAJ-i2JzN
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Favorite Guide
Created by - Tiggaz
269 ratings
This is a helpful guide that i decided to create to teach new players how to CSGO. Please like and share. Step 1: Download Counter-Strike Global Offensive from Steam, this is a very important step as it represents your willingness into acccepting that you
L 19 Aug, 2020 @ 3:02pm 
█▐▓▓▓▓▓▓▄▄▄▓▓▓▓▓▓ GOOD PLAYER:csgohelmet:
Lancer 21 Apr, 2020 @ 3:19am 
<3 My Boy
ultima1e 19 Mar, 2020 @ 5:34pm 
nice english btw
Ducky 24 Oct, 2019 @ 5:37pm 
صاص 12 Oct, 2019 @ 1:42pm 
ملك كانسر❤
小国 18 Aug, 2019 @ 12:22pm 
+rep aimbot