
Gizmostuff 最近的评测

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总时数 33.9 小时
I feel this game was decent but like others say, it's short and overpriced for what it is. I think the characters are solid but at times the reactions to things were either over the top or just missed their mark of something better. Voice acting was very well done. I think the actors did a terrific job in portraying their character. The scenery was beautiful and I think the art director/graphics design was well done.

I think the game should have been priced around 30 dollars or so. It was too short of a story to really have any replay ability. There were several areas of the story where they could of added on to or extended the story in a more meaningful way. Like the relationship between your love interests Steph or Ryan. Giving the gamer the option to get to know your love interest by the amount you of time you interact with them would have been interesting.

I think while the character development was great, they could of made the characters more detailed. There were a lot of missed moments with every main character which could of made some interesting story arcs. I think this was the biggest missed opportunity to force the player to make real decisions that could have made a more impactful ending. Some of the decisions didn't feel like that big of a deal but later were.

They can definitely lose the gazing, sitting, lying part in the game. Most people skipped this. It takes you away from the game. They force you to experience this anyway at the end of each chapter.

All in all, it was a good game and I hope they lower the price so more people will play it. 7.5/10
发布于 2021 年 9 月 15 日。
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总时数 26.6 小时
This game runs badly on a very good machine. Graphics are terrible for a 2015 game. I thank Treyarch for allowing me to beta test this terrible game to let everyone know not to purchase this garbage.
发布于 2015 年 8 月 30 日。
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