The Magic Pumpkin
United States
It's almost time, kids.
The clock is ticking.
Be in front of your T.V. sets for the Horrorthon.
And remember the big give away at 9. Don't miss it!
And don't forget to wear your masks.
The clock is ticking.
It's almost time...
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When all your husbands show up to exact revenge.
10 2 2
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Wanna see what my pretty mouth can do?
5 3
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Изиграни 16,3 ч.
Hope you all have been enjoying the show on 189.16 - THE SCREAM! Before we get back to it, here's a quick word from our sponsor...

HOOOOWDY! This is The Magic Pumpkin from The Magic Pumpkin's Wacky/Idiotic Reviews. And do I have a treat for you. No tricks here, folks! Just a bit of mayhem and sick beats.
Have you ever wanted to star in a cheesy 80's horror movie? Do you like solving mysteries? How about supporting indies that are quirky and silly? Then this may be the one for you!

Killer Frequency is a bloody fun time! Get ready for a game that is deadly entertaining!! The devs really slayed this one!!! *laugh track* Be sure to grab your copy today. Giving this one 2 knives up.

And guess what??? They're not paying me to say this!!! I just enjoyed the game!

The Magic Pumpkin from The Magic Pumpkin's Wacky/Idiotic Reviews is not responsible if you did not enjoy Killer Frequency. This game may not be suitable for everyone since it's more of a PG walking sim with A LOT of narration and puzzles rather than action packed scary horror. Consult with the devs if you experience any bugs.
Любима игра
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Любима група
A group for the ones that ❤️ Jane enough to spend over 100 million bloodpoints on her.
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It wasn't programmed to harm the crew...
3 1
Любима група
A 'Flex' Group for anyone with P1-P3 Achievement before Legacy Release - 24 November 2016. The Group's main focus will be on Lost Legacy Prestige Restoration!
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Изложение на отличеното художествено творчество
Oddly Tasty
Артикули за търгуване
6 968
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2 715
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Emoticon Showcase
:lunar2019coolpig: :lunar2019crylaughingpig: :lunar2019deadpanpig: :lunar2019grinningpig: :lunar2019laughingpig: :lunar2019madpig: :lunar2019piginablanket: :lunar2019scowlingpig: :lunar2019shockedpig: :lunar2019sleepingpig: :ranks::BatteryFull::lemmam: :_B_::snacker::CWEr::CWEr: :lunar2019smilingpig: :lunar2019wavingpig: :OinkOink: :lovepig: :pinkpiggy: :clockpiggie: :rage_pig: :oink: :barnpiggie: :happypiggy: :3079pig: :summer2019pig: :CowPoop: :CryCat: :swhskull: :common_chicken: :wordsforevil: :orbsmile: :clapclap: :cooltoilet: :Cerberus814: :SlipperySlope: :thekey: :chattering: :giveabird: :otrthumbup: :otrthumbdown: :crossedfingers: :RedTrident: :Oooops: :loser: :UglyChild: :fashion: :DoDStahp: :buzz: :hellslime: :medipus: :flydaddy: :annoyedfad: :redgiant: :Heart_with_horns: :cool_eol: :cry_eol: :kiss_eol: :laugh_eol: :smile_eol: :tongue_eol: :wink_eol: :yell_eol: :spacemonster: :zmbdumb: :wnhappy: :wnsad: :Greenalien: :choices: :farting: :bloodsplat: :womansign: :esti_glad: :esti_sicken: :thefist: :ouch: :triggered: :snowslimecool: :see_u: :terrified: :redmush: :weirdguy: :midnightkey: :freakyface: :freakyhand: :sadcloud: :GDCreep: :GDInsane: :gcishock: :civicdoodleeggplant: :sperm: :pinkflower: :fagras: :moness: :kraug: ::GGyup: :GGnope: :lipsandteeth: :nerd: :SKULBUPLEFT: :hfwitch: :cozybethesda: :vbtentacle: :evilghoul: :demonsheep: :CreepySmile: :motherslime: :hjStalker: :slimeHLD: :iced_smile: :lovelysmile: :2018raygun: :2018salienbeast1: :2018salienbeast2: :2018saliengoo1: :2018saliengoo2: :WOWING: :pitbeast: :chewer: :apathy: :sadtrash_px: :lefteye: :righteye: :healthheart: :happy_mouth: :unhappy_mouth: :tonguecheek: :NuggetFace: :monstertank: :icescream: :fistpunch: :komhappy: :komsurprised: :lma_sadface: :boomer: :lotdcfear: :neoncool: :neonmeh: :neonoh: :neonp: :neonsad: :neonsmile: :lonydisgust: :Chipfreak: :mad_snake: :Blobby: :malebaby: :Slimer: :lovewave: :OrcHate: :mirrorsmile: :eyewatching: :blech: :crescent: :punch: :purplevoid: 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:toxicgreen: :WEECat: :HelpMee: :zgdemon: :roosterhead: :zkpumpkin: :zp_werewolf: :zugly: :ConfusedZombie: :efb_bliss: :efb_crestfallen: :efb_hopeful: :efb_quizzical: :efb_smile: :efb_speechless: :ZomPeace: :brain: :mmzombie: :mfc2BitingFace: :epscary: :BloodyShoes: :bld: :cultHockeyMask: :purpleballsmile: :Blu: :MrSnakey: :gnarled: :halloween: :whfmask: :Swirl: :PAskeleton: :avsyringe: :gameover: :ugheart: :purpleball: :buttsack: :br_shock: :arrstar: :murderer: :petrifiedtongue: :rk_foot: :pinkslimes: :yellowslimes: :Humanoid: :angrybaby: :TrollTrig: :Skull_Head: :Veryhurt: :Veryanger: :Ihappy: :Icry: :RubChick: :sadclown: :cycloph: :8infinity_Dizzy: :ds_eye: :giantmaggot: :poocry: :eyeout: :hatebit: :coolskull: :slimewormy: :SourPuss: :vrbarf: :spyro: :ilamentia6: :blobb: :kamoon: :cherrypie: :cupcakePurple: :cooldessert: :tacoburger: :pinkcupcake: :candybar: :ryoc_candy: :pizzaslice: :tschernoburger: :Pinkdoughnut: :sandwich: :kiss_to_you: :freak: :cringe: :sobbing: :dumb: :cheery: :angery: :buzzed: :shit: :minichomper: :babymeat: :cephalodiptera: :stalacfright: :sadbattalion: :screamface: :sldit: :zombface: :animegirl: :bad_pet: :creatigoo: :puppyevil: :ympfatface: :a2_: :j9: :signstop: :fs19potato: :pear: :puke: :angryslime: :FistGNZ: :blobfish: :rainbowfart: :stink: :confused_kr: :hffighter: :fly: :Pirateghost: :smilezombie: :biteme: :trolls: :angrypuss: :moustachepuss: :glassespuss: :princesspuss: :rainbowpuss: :skullpuss: :acidpuss: :alienpuss: :government_plot: :smoking: :crybaby: :jawdropping: :RBhello: :pizzasmile: :bigbadboy: :deadhead: :mudmonster: :soangry: :creepylaugh: :OPHacks: :Toxicman: :aplus: :fminus: :rottyman: :happyarenaalien: :surprisedarenaalien: :angryarenaalien: :glorch: :wyes: :wno: :drool: :AWTdeath: :critter: :GoAway: :ILoveYou: :JustKidding: :soangry: :purpleeye: :blobfromspace: :wftolaugh: :smellyturd: :dirtytoiletpaper: :happyevil: :Killerman: :GodofHellfire: :bitBeast: :bitFeind: :orb: :demonspact: :purplezombie: :alienraider: :monstrosity: :dk_vampire: :catjenny_px: :jorts: :Mersha: :hideme: :slimepurple: :slimegreen: :kiss: :meatstick: :BBwormhole: :uglybear: :elinfluence: :Zommbie: :PINKHEART: :nyanrainbow: :maniacmask: :goopman: :gpvr_ghost0: :purpleblobbie: :angryalien: :ocular: :purplekitty: :themonster: :humanexp: :brainholder: :burner: :ftkyeti: :devilskiss: :mutated_invader: :crawleye: :crawltadpole: :evilentity: :os_prophetbot: :hairygirl: :kaboom10: :pixlotbleeding: :fear: :sugarskull: :akanedevil: :dq_princess: :dq_beholder: :dcshocked: :sparkly: :darkfigure: :carnage_disgust: :Bloodyshoes: :FireStrike: :Tblob: :PlayDumb: :ookidevil: :grin: :helpfulalien: :butcherchainsaw: :rhsstar: :rhscross: :dollblood: :beeee_plpa: :talesofWinds_BlueSlime: :laik: :ds_altar: :bloodycleaver: :abhipster: :superkinky_atomic: :superkinky_burrowingbuddy: :superkinky_puddingcup: :hjvampirism: :deathkiss: :burnedskull: :zombieshead: :luvboi: :curiousspirit: :unmaskedmimic: :numerus: :mixture: :opossum: :Coool: :28_brain: :28_eye: :28_zombie_28: :meanie: :revheart: :pumpkinhead: :zombies_head: :sacrificed: :theskull: :thetrap: :whiteward: :thehook: :fatso: :rmsurprise: :elitemutant: :rage_friend: :schamane_nugget: :lofeye: :alanhead: :verysweet: :spacefusseye: :_n: :_o: :_s: :_m: :_t: :_e: :orthaalmaas: :spacenightmare: :gcscrap: :tomatooth: :bbamsmily: :tohaard: :veggieclown: :happybag: :puppys: :slugghost: :vvvvvv_victoria: :cruncher: :grumpypixel: :fusing_cranium: :burzur: :arst: :humanduck: :wolf_fangs: :muchw00t: :ohnosplat: :smbskull: :colorheart: :Demonsunyamu: :mothumbs: :mojumpscare: :gen_duke: :crazyspiral: :aln: :blackspider: :oddy_lucas: :oddy_ducky: :epighost: :sbmacbug: :moon_fade: :star_fade: :heartmom: :dskull: :eyeball_s: :bottledrainbow: :goofdead: :theend:
Артикули за търгуване
6 968
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Извършени търговии
2 715
Пазарни транзакции
Изложение на „Перфекционист“
Изложение на худ. творби
Nightmare on Terror Street.
Любимо ръководство
Създадено от — Finni
161 оценки
A mysterious agent working for the FBC... as well as the tragic Femme Fatale and poster girl of Resident Evil Revelations.
Изложение от работилницата
14 оценки
Създадено от — Delacroix
Изложение на отличеното художествено творчество
"They are neither people nor animals, but something in-between." - The Howling
Изложение на „Перфекционист“
Изложение на рецензиите
Изиграни 6,6 ч.
Thank you for calling (555) HOME-SAFETY

Please hold while Home Safety Hotline Responders are currently busy assisting other callers. We're experiencing higher call volumes than usual. Stay on the line and we'll be with you shortly. Estimated wait time is: 2 hours.

Your call is very important to us. HSH's highly trained professionals are working diligently to answer any safety concerns! Did you know since 1996 The Home Safety Hotline has been #1 when it comes to keeping families safe? No matter what it may be, HSH figures it out guaranteed.

*slow pleasing elevator music plays for a while*

Home Safety Hotline appreciates your patience. All calls are answered in the order they're received. Some calls are subject to monitoring and recording for quality assurance or training purposes. Estimated wait time is: 6 hours.

This is what I imagined an automated on hold message might be like if the hotline had one. Really enjoyed all the creature lore in this horror-esque gem. Highly recommend it.
Изложение от работилницата
A short clip from the FAITH: The Unholy Trinity trailer. Horror, Gif, Pixel, Game, Scary.
13 оценки
Създадено от — Triceratops
Любима игра
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Изложение на най-редките постижения
2024 DBD Complaint Form
Fill this out if you have any big grievances with me in Dead By Daylight.

:THEHOOK: What character were you?

:THEHOOK: Who was the Killer?

:THEHOOK: Description of incident:

:THEHOOK: Impact on game experience:

:THEHOOK: Mark all that apply:
__upset __salty __disappointed __furious
__resentful __annoyed __baffled __unhappy

:THEHOOK: Choose a desired solution:
1. The Magic Pumpkin apologizes.
2. The Magic Pumpkin receives a ban.
3. The Magic Pumpkin gets good.


:THESKULL: Any additional feedback?

:WHITEWARD: Signature: (Steam Name)

Thank you for taking the time to participate in my dbd complaint form. Remember to try and provide lots of context for my records. I'm sure whatever I did totally was worth the effort of letting me know! Copy & paste your answers in my comment section for review and approval.👍


Please know that negative comments about dbd will most likely be ignored and possibly deleted without a completed complaint form.❤️

* by posting the form or any dumb/hateful dbd comments on my profile, you are acknowledging that it's super hard for you to move on to the next match without being an incredibly lame loser.
Скорошна дейност
115 изиграни часа
последно пускане 21 ноем.
6 520 изиграни часа
последно пускане 20 ноем.
281 изиграни часа
последно пускане 20 ноем.
The Magic Pumpkin 1 ноем. в 7:39 
Waves 31 окт. в 19:38 
Praise to The Great Pumpkin, for it is Halloween!
The Magic Pumpkin 31 окт. в 8:24 
The veil is thin, praise The Great Pumpkin! :StrangePumpkin::orange_heart:
Lady Dimitrescu 31 окт. в 7:15 
Princess Pacman 8 окт. в 22:50 
+rep saved me in endgame and super cute profile :CutePinkCat::CuteHeart::PinkSkull:
Crash 23 септ. в 1:41 
Add me dude, so we can talk at least :D