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21.4 hrs on record (11.6 hrs at review time)
TLDR This game is Far Cry Primal but every aspect is fully fleshed out and the negative review mainly come from people running this on an HDD (It very clearly says in the description you need an SSD)
You only have a few limited tools but a very nice crafting/progression system for upgrading your gear with materials, and different 'species of sticks' give a a different +10% to something. Combat is very smooth and you can very easily slip and slide around in very satisfying ways (Yeah yeah it sounds cliche but this does lead to some movie moments)
Ok some quick bad
Somehow despite being an RPG you can't name your character (Though you do name your Banshee/Ikran). Even stranger, your character IS fully voiced, so they never shut up despite only being refereed to as 'you' or your tribe's name. Sadly like FC Primal, the characters are boring as ♥♥♥♥ and I can't be bothered to care about them. But the combat, exploration, and overall feel of the world itself more than makes up for it. I'm not playing for the wonder of what will happen to these characters (some of they die and you get to shoot people shocking I'm sure). I'm playing to explore the world of Pandora and appreciate it
Posted 22 June, 2024.
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1,483.7 hrs on record (1,441.4 hrs at review time)
What was once my favorite game is now a bot riddled, unplayable mess. Until Valve does something stay away
Posted 3 June, 2024.
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376.7 hrs on record (157.2 hrs at review time)
About a year ago if you asked me, I wouldn't have recommended this title but today that's a different story. With the game seemingly having been brought back from the dead (how fitting) Primal Carnage Extinction is once again one of the best dinosaur games you can play in 2020. With active official and community servers (albeit only a handful at best) it's finally possible to enjoy a 'normal' game of PCE once again. With monthly content (Owed mostly to this game's dedicated community) Primal Carnage is back and with it being so cheap - if you're looking for a dinosaur title to play I cannot recommend this game enough. Funny, extinction really doesn't have to be forever...
Posted 29 June, 2019. Last edited 10 August, 2020.
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336.0 hrs on record (77.4 hrs at review time)
I must confess going into this game I have been patiently awaiting a sequel to Jurassic Park Operation Genesis and so my opinion is biased from the start. That being said I absolutely love this game and it is everything I ever wanted out of life. If you're a fan of dinosaurs and park tycoon games you will adore this game. Being made by the same people designed Planet Coaster Jurassic World Evolution has a lot riding on its shoulders. To keep it short you build and manage, keyword manage, your own Jurassic World theme park. Unlike most other park games where chaos is a possibility, in JWE its guaranteed. Dinosaurs WILL break out, and they WILL eat people and if you're not prepared it WILL cost you, a lot. This game also does some work on the Jurassic cannon bringing some characters to life and highlighting their stories in a way the film does not. That being said, the story of this game is.... terrible and anti-climactic at best. You really shouldn't be playing this game for its story but rather the beautity of bringing back dinosaurs

Beautiful - the overal appearance of this game is absolutetly stunning from the dinosaurs, to the weather, to the overal world
Management - this game will never fail to keep you busy. You'll always be running fossil digs, creating new exhibits, managing power, and stopping dinosaur breakouts. There's always something to do

Story - I'll keep this short. There's hardly a story only a loose narrative to give a reason for the random missions you're assigned throughout the game
Dinosaur Behavior - While the game has come a LOOOOOOOONG way on improving this since launch, some dinosaur behavior still seems a bit... off. Particulary and unfortunetly the fights. Dinosaurs engage in 1v1 duels, with a few exceptions where the herbivores can't even fight back. Each dinosaur exchanges blows until one either gives up, or is reduced to 1 HP and triggers a canned kill animation
Decoration - Like I said, this is a management game. Once you get good at it all your parks and exhibits will unfortunetly, look exactly the same. You have no real decoration options and you can't even place individual trees. From some I can understand this being a deal breaker but remember, its a park MANAGEMENT game, not a park BUILDING game

I really suck at writting reviews so I hope some of this helps, but even with some major cons I still love JWE and would give it a solid 8/10
Posted 24 November, 2018.
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