Real trap ♥♥♥♥♥.
ALBERT ROSENFIELD 2/mai./2016 às 22:13 
7 day cooldown :D
Loli Supply Co. 9/mar./2016 às 22:53 
+rep this trader is great. We started chatting a bit and playing some games together. Things got a bit fun so we decided to stay added. We would play together every day after our trade. Eventually we got to know each other really well and added each other on Facebook. After a while I was visiting his country, so I decided I would go to visit him while at it.
We visited the common tourist attractions and had a lot of fun together. It got really late and my hotel was very far away so he invited me over to his house. Upon entering there, I was greeted by a goddess that I soon found out to be his sister. We soon started conversating. This trader went to sleep while his sister and I kept on talking. We went on for a few hours before she invited me into her bedroom. I cautiously followed her through the dark of the night. As I entered the room she looked at me with begging eyes.
"Please spare me three fiddy for this asiimov skin", she pleaded.
Loli Supply Co. 9/mar./2016 às 22:53 
............/....//... .♥♥♥♥.....\\....\
.........../....//. SCAMER.....\\....\
...../´¯/..../´¯\......AND ......./¯`\....\¯`\
.././.. /..../..../. |_CHITER_| .\....\....\....\.\
(.(....(....(..../.) ..)........(.. (.\....)....)..).)
~~~/!\ HACKER NOOB запретить их /!\~~~
Loli Supply Co. 9/mar./2016 às 22:52 
I would love to be your friend.
birb 21/jun./2015 às 23:11 
Hey It's Yeezy here i saw you my homie the trap god.
Fnatic BEAR . M9 8/jun./2015 às 3:21 
Hi i want trade with u this item