NerdyEnforcement 29 de set. às 9:52 
+rep Best Medic created by the country of LGBTQ+,
Also really nice person!
5uzie 7 de mai. às 15:50 
+rep Estrogen Overdose approved :3
baboon uterus enjoyer :) 1 de mai. às 21:16 
+rep. Boy impregnator medigun forever
joekiller 10/jan./2022 às 16:21 
It's the bomb. Alyx?
Ekyanso 26/nov./2021 às 7:56 
i love you
Certified Lover Boy 23/nov./2021 às 18:26 
+rep very fun medic I watch his ping to see if he will start lagging
PixlGrl 12/jan./2020 às 15:21 
+rep good medic and is hilarious!!
mogeteer 12/jan./2020 às 9:31 
+rep plays medic, IN CASUAL
Lars 2/jun./2019 às 13:02 
just wanted to say thanks for being a nice medic and helping me complete my very last contract
GangstaGanja420 29/set./2017 às 20:03 
+rep pure awesomeness all around :D
Animosity 26/abr./2017 às 19:03 
+rep Best server owner
Shasta 14/fev./2017 às 11:58 
Hes my father even though im the papi
retar 18/jan./2017 às 17:07 
+rep his hair smells like lamb sauce
Uncle Kunkel 27/nov./2016 às 17:38 
Woof woof
Mr.Nubbins 18/jul./2016 às 11:57 
+rep Overall amazing person
PHD Sins 26/mai./2016 às 4:00 
+rep Extremely awesome! Hosts one of the best ph servers out there!
Nivks 2/mai./2016 às 1:11 
───▄▄██▌█ +REP + REP + REP +REP + REP + REP +█
▄▄▄▌▐██▌█+ REP + REP + REP+ REP + REP + REP +█
▀(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀(@)(@)▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀​▀▀▀▀(@)▀▀▀ One Of the best players on here a great teamate always helpful ect ect
cunty werewolf 20/fev./2015 às 12:18 
+rep he smells great
Estrogen Enjoyer 29/abr./2012 às 19:10