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[OFTV]Meerjungfraumann 16 de nov. às 17:00 
just playing spaming weapons without any skill ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ french looser go and wave youre white flag again
Jebedaya Springfield 16 de nov. às 15:31 
another low nitro pssy
MiuosheQ 16 de nov. às 13:17 
Bro You are not even 5 star MMR...
I HATE HUNT 12 de nov. às 10:41 
gg aimbot looser
Blessbegod 11 de nov. às 5:44 
+ rep bro is trash talking in voice chat and i killed him. XD and i even win the round. learn to play trashtalker:hunter0:
Vegab 5 de nov. às 12:19 
Trash rat player !