United States

*DEAD* break. : safe why u bhop cheating lmao
safe : LOL

break. 10/26/2018
Handcam doesnt prove anything
Im way more experienced than you when it comes to cs go mechanics and I never gotten falsely detected
Its physically not possible to have logs that u have without a cheat
Stop arguing you ♥♥♥♥♥♥

*DEAD* Breezetix‎ : safe are u trying to get baned?
*DEAD* Breezetix‎ : cuz i just recorded it
● safe‎ : ur mad
*DEAD* Breezetix‎ : that ur cheating?

[ESL]VuryX‎ : i mean i got killed trough the Smoke and that was more legit then your kill

*DEAD* Trevarchy‎ : how i can get good movement? some help plz
safe‎ : just play the game
[ESL]VuryX‎ : or do it like Safe install a programm

*DEAD* AuRoarA‎ : ur a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ cheater
● *DEAD* safe‎ : who
*DEAD* AuRoarA‎ : why the ♥♥♥♥

AuRoarA‎ : ur a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ piece of ♥♥♥♥

AuRoarA‎ : so obviously hacking

*DEAD* HeresthebleacH‎ : so how many of yall used mommy's credit card for cheats, lets be honest?

*DEAD* Lil Idiot‎ : the most blatant "legit" hacker ive ever seen

*DEAD* 2phoon4you‎ : hes cheating
*DEAD* 2phoon4you‎ : lmfao
*DEAD* 2phoon4you‎ : safe 100% cheating his ass off lmfao
jos 4 MAY 2024 a las 10:57 p. m.