Currently Offline
Sith(see my profile) 15 May, 2018 @ 11:00pm 
Hello, one guy is quit csgo trading and csgo at all(cause of last update) so he's giving skins giveaway. One person - one skin. His link in my profile bro
2ʙ♥ˡᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ 6 Mar, 2018 @ 11:27pm 
Hi bro, I can give my vulcan ak for all of your csgo cases and graffities, so if you dont need them send me trade offer please. Trade link and Ak are in my main profile ( link in bio ) . I don't add friends at all so please dont add me , just send offer
Merlongono 3 Mar, 2018 @ 4:01am 
Hello, I want trade my awp asiimov for all your cases or graffities(or unexpensive playskins). So if u dont need them just send me offer. My awp and tradelink in my main - link in bio . Dont add me i got limit, just send offer. Thanks
✪ Numbers-iwnl- 30 Oct, 2017 @ 3:39pm 
cual foi tio
swang 29 Oct, 2017 @ 5:35pm 
ja lambi ele todo
gabriel 26 Oct, 2017 @ 6:36am 
idetect tools melhor site bb